Hello @adriannees
I hope you’re well today!
I’ve imported your form to my test site and tested it.
The new user account was registered but form has activation e-mail enabled so the action on user-end might be required. You mentioned that the account wasn’t created though. Can you confirm if you have at least received activation e-mail during testing?
Could you also please edit the form and in “User Registration” section temporarily set Activation Method to “None” and Activation Email to “none” and check if with these settings the form creates user account on your site?
Let us know, please.
As for “custom fields” not being saved. It seem that the form is current set to “Add custom User Meta” but none are set/mapped. It has to have the fields mapped (the same way as in “Default Meta Keys” section earlier on the same page) as otherwise it can’t “guess” what data should be saved to what meta. It’s also worth noting that it’s only supporting user meta field but not any post meta (so what is commonly referred to as “custom fields”). If the data that you’re trying to gather and save is stored by WooComemrce or one of its add-ons in a form of some sort of a hidden custom post, that won’t be assigned by registration form. Only profile fields (so a standard user meta data) can be used.
Kind regards,