• Resolved Richard Foley


    When I have a successful registration, I don’t want the form to reload, instead it should go to the login url. Like this:

    Registration page /register/ flow:

    if fail -> reload /register/ form and try again.

    if succeed -> redirect to /login/ url.

    Although there are “automatic login” options under settings, this is not the same as the above flow. This seems like an obvious flow to have under settings. Perhaps I’m looking in the wrong place?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    Good morning, yes I have just checked and it works.

    In “Settings” you have to enable automatic login: https://prnt.sc/v6yxn0

    Check it.

    Thread Starter Richard Foley


    hi Javier,
    no, you have misunderstood me. As I said above, “automatic login” is *not* the same thing. I’ll try to explain again:

     if Fail, then -> retry registration (ok)
     if Succeed, then -> do automatic login (notok + *NOT* THIS).
     if Succeed, then -> go to /login/ *URL* <- this is what I am trying to achieve (ok).

    Go to /login/ URL is *not* the same as the automatic login. Is that clearer?

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    Good afternoon, sorry for the delay answering but we are a bit busy.

    We have these options: https://prnt.sc/vermth

    Tell me exactly which are you using, what is should and what it is happening instead.

    Thread Starter Richard Foley


    Ok, I’ll try one more time. This is after a successful REGISTRATION.

    You do: auto-login

    I want: auto-redirect to login page URL

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo



    So this is not a bug, this a new feature.

    You want to be able to choose if after registering you can auto login or be redirected to some place.

    Is that true?

    Thread Starter Richard Foley


    yes, it seems like an obvious thing for a registration/login plugin to do. However, if this does not fit for your plugin, then I will have to find a different solution for this. Many thanks.

    Plugin Author Javier Carazo


    This is not so obvious for us.

    Anyway, when you ask for a new feature be clear. It would already be done if you told it in the first email.

    I have been trying to reproduce your bug some time.

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