• Resolved webcart


    Hi ??
    I need to add a Webhook to the registration form to send the details to a 3rd party CRM.
    I know Elementor forms has a webhook widget to do it.
    Is there any simple solution in the UM Registarion form?
    Or should I use Zapier etc’?

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  • @webcart

    	 * UM hook
    	 * @type action
    	 * @title um_user_after_updating_profile
    	 * @description After upgrade user's profile
    	 * @input_vars
    	 * [{"var":"$submitted","type":"array","desc":"Form data"},
    	 * {"var":"$user_id","type":"int","desc":"User Id"}]
    	 * @change_log
    	 * ["Since: 2.0"]
    	 * @usage add_action( 'um_user_after_updating_profile', 'function_name', 10, 1 );
    	 * @example
    	 * <?php
    	 * add_action( 'um_user_after_updating_profile', 'my_user_after_updating_profile'', 10, 2 );
    	 * function my_user_after_updating_profile( $submitted, $user_id ) {
    	 *     // your code here
    	 * }
    	 * ?>
    	do_action( 'um_user_after_updating_profile', $to_update, $user_id, $args );
    Thread Starter webcart


    Hi @missveronicatv,
    You’re the best!
    Many thanks!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by webcart.


    You can look at this hook too.

    	 * Fires after complete UM user registration.
    	 * Note: Native redirects handlers at 100 priority, you can add some info before redirects.
    	 * Internal Ultimate Member callbacks (Priority -> Callback name -> Excerpt):
    	 * 10  - <code>um_send_registration_notification()</code> Send notifications.
    	 * 100 - <code>um_check_user_status()</code>              Redirect after registration based on user status.
    	 * @since 2.0
    	 * @hook um_registration_complete
    	 * @param {int}   $user_id        User ID.
    	 * @param {array} $submitted_data $_POST Submission array.
    	 * @param {array} $form_data      UM form data. Since 2.6.7
    	 * @example <caption>Make any common action after complete UM user registration.</caption>
    	 * function my_registration_complete( $user_id, $submitted_data, $form_data ) {
    	 *     // your code here
    	 * }
    	 * add_action( 'um_registration_complete', 'my_registration_complete', 10, 3 );
    	do_action( 'um_registration_complete', $user_id, $args, $form_data );
    Thread Starter webcart


    Great @missveronicatv ??


    You will find a subset of the UM Hooks here:


    Thread Starter webcart


    Amazing support!

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