Registration form appears twice
I am using Event Single Page Templates Addon For The Events Calendar. I have selected in Form Settings> General Registration Options> Form Location> Shortcode or Gutenberg Block. I thought this selection would let me place the form where I wanted.
It doesn’t seem to matter whether I’m using a custom single-event.php file in my theme is checked or not. I have Disable Registrations by Default* on. So I have inserted [rtec-registration-form] where I want it to appear. But the form appears at the end of both columns, here’s one example I select After Event Description then it only shows up once. But I want to be able to place the form anywhere on the main page and remove it from the right column.
Thanks## SITE/SERVER INFO: ## Plugin Version: Registrations for the Events Calendar v2.7.6 Site URL: Home URL: WordPress Version: 5.8.1 PHP Version: 7.4.24 Web Server Info: Apache JSON: Yes WPDB prefix: wp_ WPDB base prefix: wp_ ## ACTIVE PLUGINS: ## Akismet Anti-Spam: 4.2.1 AWP Classifieds Plugin: 4.1.5 BackupBuddy: BAW Login/Logout menu: 1.3.3 BulletProof Security: 5.4 Classic Editor: 1.6.2 Elementor: 3.4.7 Elementor Header & Footer Builder: 1.6.4 Enable Media Replace: 3.6.1 Event Single Page Templates Addon: 1.5 Events Shortcodes - The Events Calendar Addon: 1.9.3 Events Widgets For Elementor And The Events Calendar: 1.4.2 Heartbeat Control by WP Rocket: 2.0 MailPoet 2: 2.16 Nav Menu Roles: 2.0.1 Ninja Forms: 3.6.5 Ocean Extra: 1.8.3 PDFjs Viewer - Embed PDFs: 2.1.4 Really Simple SSL: 5.1.3 Redirection: 5.1.3 Registrations for The Events Calendar: 2.7.6 Remove Category URL: 1.1.6 Remove Query Strings From Static Resources: 1.4 Smart Slider 3: Smush: 3.9.2 Sticky Menu (or Anything!) on Scroll: 2.31 The Events Calendar: 5.10.1 The Events Calendar Extension: Inherit Theme Fonts: 1.0.0 The Events Calendar Search Addon: 1.1.3 The Events Calendar Shortcode & Block: 2.5 WP-Optimize - Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.1.12 WP Fastest Cache: 0.9.5 Yoast Duplicate Post: 4.1.2 Yoast SEO: 17.5 ## OPTIONS: ## database version: 1.6 first_show: 1 first_require: 1 last_show: 1 last_require: 1 email_show: 1 email_require: 1 phone_show: phone_require: phone_valid_count: 10 recaptcha_require: 1 other_show: 1 other_require: message_source: custom terms_conditions_require: disable_by_default: 1 visitors_can_edit_what_status:1 show_registrants_data: limit_registrations: only_logged_in: show_log_in_form: include_attendance_count_message: include_attendance_message: 1 using_custom_template: 1 preserve_db: preserve_registrations: 1 preserve_settings: 1 check_for_duplicates: 1 array ( 0 => 'above_button', )add_registration_management_tool: template_location: shortcode display_type: always_visible default_max_registrations: 50 error_duplicate_message: You have already RSVPd for this event registration_deadline: 12 registration_deadline_unit: 3600 first_label: First first_error: Please enter your first name last_label: Last last_error: Please enter your last name email_label: Email email_error: Please enter a valid email address phone_label: Phone # phone_error: Please enter the number of persons that will be attending other_label: Comments other_error: Enter comments custom_field_names: custom1, terms_conditions_label: I accept the terms and conditions terms_conditions_link: terms_conditions_link_label:Terms and Conditions Page terms_conditions_error: This is required recaptcha_type: math recaptcha_label: What is recaptcha_error: Please try again recaptcha_site_key: 6Lcu6-MSAAAAAAwqfi6QiLYqEvfSLk5kyESU5vva recaptcha_secret_key: 6Lcu6-MSAAAAANwwJNVp2zqwf2O5eiNU9jNRBplR register_text: RSVP Now! attendance_count_message_template:Attendance: {num} / {max} attendance_message_type: up attendance_text_before_up: Join attendance_text_after_up: others! attendance_text_one_up: Join one other person attendance_text_none_yet: Be the first! registrations_closed_message:Registrations are closed for this event submit_text: RSVP success_message: Success! Please check your email inbox for a confirmation message. unregister_link_text: Unregister from this event success_unregistration: You have been unregistered. already_registered_question:Already registered? already_registered_directions:Use this tool to manage your registration. enter_your_email_text: Enter your registered email address send_unregister_link_text: Send unregister link please_log_in_message: Log in to register registrants_data_who: any attendee_list_title: Currently Registered width: 100 width_unit: % form_bg_color: # button_bg_color: #1f94ff button_text_color: #ffffff custom_css: custom_js: phone_format: 1 _require: _show: disable_notification: disable_confirmation: use_custom_notification: 1 notify_organizer: 1 confirmation_from_address: [email protected] custom_date_format: F j, Y g:i a recipients: [email protected] notification_from: BMW CCA Sierra Chapter notification_subject: Registration Notification for {event-title} notification_message: {first} {last} <a href="mailto:{email}">({email}</a>) RSVPd for <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{# Attending} to attend </span></span>{event-title} at {venue} on {event-date}. Comments: {other} Click <a href="https://{event-url}">here</a> to view {event-title} details confirmation_from: BMW CCA Sierrra Chapter confirmation_subject: Registration Confirmation for {event-title} confirmation_message: Hello {first}, You RSVPd for {# Attending} to attend {event-title} at {venue} on <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{event-date}</span></span>. {venue} is located at: {venue-address} {venue-city}, {venue-state} {venue-zip} Comments: <span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1">{other}</span></span> See you there! Click <a href="{event-url}">here</a> to view the event details Click to <a href="{unregister-link}">here</a> unregister for this event<span class="rtec-tooltip-table rtec-tooltip rtec-availability-options-wrapper"><span class="rtec-col-1"> </span></span>Click <a href="{ical-url}">here </a>to add this to you calendar custom1_label: # Attending custom1_show: 1 custom1_require: 1 custom1_error: Please enter the number of persons attending Field: id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: PRI, Extra: auto_increment Field: user_id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: , Extra: Field: event_id, Type: bigint(20) unsigned, Key: MUL, Extra: Field: registration_date, Type: datetime, Key: , Extra: Field: last_name, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra: Field: first_name, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra: Field: email, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra: Field: venue, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra: Field: phone, Type: varchar(40), Key: , Extra: Field: other, Type: varchar(1000), Key: , Extra: Field: guests, Type: int(11) unsigned, Key: , Extra: Field: custom, Type: longtext, Key: , Extra: Field: status, Type: char(1), Key: MUL, Extra: Field: action_key, Type: varchar(40), Key: , Extra: id: 23 user_id: 0 event_id: 21132 registration_date: 2021-10-13 18:58:49 last_name: Wat first_name: Fre email: fre venue: 23804 phone: other: guests: 0 custom: a:1 status: n action_key: bbbe2e9848d37fb7529021268c52cc85e218a8e5 post_id: 22691 title: 2021 Poker Run start_date: 2021-10-09 08:30:00 end_date: 2021-10-09 13:00:00 start_date_utc: 2021-10-09 15:30:00 end_date_utc: 2021-10-09 20:00:00 venue_id: 21740 venue_title: Raley’s Parking lot venue_address: 18144 Wedge Pkwy venue_city: Reno venue_state: NV venue_zip: 89510-0011 registrations_disabled: show_registrants_data: who_can_register: any limit_registrations: max_registrations: 30 num_registered: 8 form_id: 1 registrations_left: deadline_type: start deadline_other_timestamp: 1633768200 registration_deadline: 1633725000 # Last Submission Error: # no recent submission errors # Last Email Error: # no recent email errors
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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