• Is there a working Registration Plugin for 2.9?

    I have searched everywhere for days, EVERYWHERE! but they dont work for 2.9

    I really need a registration plugin that allows users to Set their own passwords etc like Register Plus for 2.5.

    Currently I’m using Pie Register Plugin but that one doesn’t work in 2.9.


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  • I have it working in 2.9.2 just fine, all apart from the custom logo. Despite following the instructions it doesn’t work!

    I did get Register Plus to work, with default stuff. Can’t get the custom logo and a few other things to work. For example appending the fields in profile page, adding a field on registration form. I am going to try Pie Register.

    Nope. No luck. Exact same issues with Pie Register too.

    I would love for the developer to update the plugin to work with WP 2.9.2 fully, so some of the issues an be resolved.

    we should find out how much the developer needs to update it and start a collection!

    I’ll chip in on an updated plugin.

    Logo working in my install.
    Redirect link upon registration confirmation not working.
    Adding custom registration fields not working.

    me too

    have used this for a while, and now it doesnt work ??

    I thought I had this working.

    But as I added things…it stopped.

    T the confirmation link doesn’t seem to work.

    Adding the custom fields is what I think broke it too.

    Any hope?


    Actually – with NO other plug ins install – Reg Plus does work with 2.9 nicely

    Mine broke when I added in Customize-Your-Community – so that the login page etc would look like the site.

    If anyone canhelp merge the two – that would be great.

    But if you are having problems start with only reg-plus and add back in other plugins till it breaks again ! LOL



    I finally got this to work

    Customize Your COmmunity looks for an ?action on the url (GET) and since some of the Register-Plus options are not recognized by CYC – they were lost. So I hacked that stuff into CYC and now all is working.

    SO I think both plugins do work – they just needed some help talking to each other.

    DBK Web Development, LLC

    Register Plus plugin seemed to be working fine in 2.9.2, with custom logo and all, but now I’ve just discovered that it only sends the registration email if the registration is done in IE. In Firefox or Chrome the mail is not sent. How can this be?

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