Hi @mukape
Thank you for additional explanation and sharing the form/fields.
I checked it on my end and we are dealing with two things here:
1. Forminator’s field groups.
As my colleague already mentioned, it’s quite a new feature of Forminator and there are certain limitations. Currently, if such a repeater group field is mapped to any custom field (or used with any 3rd-party integration) only the data from the “first set of fields” will be passed over.
What that means is that if I only submit one set of “Education” fields in the form, that data will be mapped to custom fields. If I submit two or more sets of “Education” fields in the form, only data from the first set will be mapped to custom fields.
This is something our developers are working on and it will be improved with future releases (but I don’t have an ETA).
2. ACF repeater
The “Education” and “Expierience” ACF fields are ACF “repeater” fields. Those are specific fields and regardless of the issue stated above, there is no direct integration of Forminator and ACF in that sense that Forminator doesn’t provide data in any ACF-specific format. It only passes over “raw text” data to custom field.
If you check the DB that data is saved there (for the first “set” of grouped fields as explained in point 1) but ACF simply doesn’t know how to display it because it’s not in format expected by ACF.
This would require quite a big of custom code to be handled and such code would need to be custom developed. However, first the issue in Formiantor (point 1) would need to be addressed. It’s on a to do list for future but I don’t have ETA, I’m afraid.
Kind regards,