• erotic1


    I have been battling a user registration activation email issue for many months now with one of my clients.

    It seems that users with Yahoo and AOL email accounts do not receive their activation emails at all. They dont even make it to junkmail folder. We have tried routing outgoing emails from the wordpress site through multiple 3rd part email relay services and this still does not help.

    I need the users to be able to validate their email addresses to comply with canspam so I cannot disable this functionality. I installed a plugin called “unconfirmed” (Allows admins on a WordPress Multisite network to manage unactivated users, by either activating them manually or resending the activation email.) but for some reason when I search for unconfirmed users (although I can manually see a number of them in the user table with PHPadmin) it does not find any unconfirmed users. I believe that this might have something to do with us also using the plugin “Cimy User Extra Fields” to collect additional information fields when the user registers. Or maybe “unconfirmed” only works on MU installs.

    Bottom line I need some way to manually activate users who don’t receive their activation emails.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank you!

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  • Bill


    I was having a very similar problem myself, though not with quite the same needs that you describe. I also use the Unconfirmed plugin. I started using the WP SMTP plugin which routes via SMTP instead of using PHP mail() and my delivery problems went away.

    In my searches through the forums (where I learned of this), the underlying advice was to clear the problems up with the web host which is really where the problem is, instead of trying to patch it with a plugin. Something to keep in mind. However, it was an instant fix when I needed it.

    Thread Starter erotic1


    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your response but the first thing we did was switch to a 3rd party SMTP relay server for outgoing emails. This solved the delivery problem all but (2) domains .. yahoo and AOL. I tried a second SMTP relay service just to make sure and the same thing with those (2) domains. I have checked through all the ip and domain check on the internet and our domain or ip doesnt seem to be blacklisted and yahoo and aol do not response with any advice so we are really stuck. I must figure out a way to manually authorize these users…

    Anyone else with ideas?



    Sorry that didn’t do it for you. While you’re waiting for further input, maybe have a look at this thread over at BuddyPress. Especially read entries posted by the moderator, Hugo. Good luck.

    Thread Starter erotic1



    Does anyone else have any ideas on how to solve this issue? I’m getting really desperate. The client is getting between 20-40 new registration signups per day for the blog and about 1/4 of the users never get their activation emails. I tried signing up for a second 3rd party SMTP service (turbo-smtp) and creating custom SPF and DKIM records to really authenticate the wordpress system emails and still people are not getting them. About 20% of the time the activation emails are hitting the junk folder and the rest of the time they are just not getting them at all. I checked the spam score of the activation email and its a 1. I checked the server ip and the domain against all blacklists and there are no issues.

    I absolutely cannot allow users to sign-up without verifying their email addresses first (for canspam compliance) and I certainly dont have the time to manually verify 40 new users per day.

    I really need a manual solution to activate an account after signup if the user doesnt receive their activation email.

    Any solutions considered? If your developer and think you can write something (plugin so it doesnt effect the core wordpress framework during updates) PM me and let’s discuss!

    Thank you.

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