• Resolved tdagsimon


    I created two menues in my header.php file for my theme. They are registered in the functions.php file.

    If I now open the page, both menues are filled with the same content – even tough I made a different menue for each position.

    header.php :

    <div class="menuleft">
    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu'=>'hauptnavigation', 'menu_class'=>'mainnav', 'container'=>'nav') ); ?>
    <div class="menucenter, col-33">
    <?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'menu'=>'hauptnavi2', 'menu_class'=>'mainnav', 'container'=>'nav') ); ?>

    functions.php :

    function register_menus(){
    register_nav_menus( array(
      'hauptnavigation' => 'Hauptnavigation' ,
      'hauptnavi2' => 'HauptnavigationFolge'
    add_action( 'init', 'register_menus');

    What could the problem be?

    Thank you for your help, I guess I just made a stupid fault and can’t see it after hours of trying.

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  • The registration of a menu defines a menu location. But the menu parameter in wp_nav_menu is for the actual menu that you create. A theme should not use the menu parameter. The user chooses which menu (that they created) goes in which location (that the theme defined).


    Moderator bcworkz


    Summarizing what Joy said, you want to use the ‘theme_location’ argument for wp_nav_menu(), not ‘menu’.

    Thread Starter tdagsimon


    Thank you very much. I just changed the name of my menu in the backend. Didn’t get what I should change to be able to name my menu whatever I want.

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