Register Now link not using Basepage on WP page with CiviCRM shortcode
Wanted to note what may be a bug. We have found that there are places where the Register Now and Event details link from the widget are not respecting wp_basepage or CIVICRM_UF_WP_BASEPAGE and not even using index.php when linking from a WP page that has a CiviCRM shortcode.
So for example, if on a Donate page of a website that using the CiviCRM shortcode on a slug the links redirect to a page that include /donate/ in the slug for the event links.
However, when on any other page that doesn’t use a civicrm shortcode in the page like the event links use the civicrm base page and the url is correct using /civicrm/.
What’s the different from the widget to choose what link to use in these two cases?
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