Hi Francis,
thanks for your question!
In the FAQ on my page I have covered this basically under the question
Does the plugin support additional login/ profile fields?
In a nutshell:
Yes, the plugin can handle additional fields upon registration and provides the required hooks/ filters. However, this requires other plugins to leverage upon these API points – or requires you (with some knowledge about PHP coding) to use them.
A working example can be found on this website for integrating with a subscription plugin for the selection of the categories to subscribe to, using the following hooks:
add_filter('th23_user_management_register_options_html', array(&$this, 'user_register_form_html'), 15); // th23 User Management plugin provides special filter to hook in frontend page
add_action('user_register', array(&$this, 'user_register_add_subscribtions')); // execute subscription
The first line hooks a function inserting additional HTML into the registration page. The second one obtains this information upon a completed registration – for furter handling e.g. storing the data.
Hope this answers your question!?
Kind regards