RegEx case transformation operator in replacement pattern of Redirection Plugin
I tried setting up an enforced redirection of URLs with a single uppercase letter to the canonical URL in all lowercase. Your plugin gave these two recommendations:
- To prevent a greedy regular expression you can use ^ to anchor it to the start of the URL.
- Your target URL should be an absolute URL like$1 or start with a slash /$1 .
Took this advise to heart. Reshaped my RegEx to:
- Request:
- 10 seconds of inactivity. Then my browser shows this:
- Address bar:
- Body: “too many redirects” error message.
It seems the Redirection plugin does not support the case transformation operators like
“to lowercase” in its Replacement Patterns. Instead it seems to have inserted a literal L. Hence it matches itself (uppercase again!) and this leads to an infinite loop. Until at the 20th loop iteration, where a mechanism in the web browser killed this infinite loop.Your plugin support article on Regular Expressions does not mention “Case Transformations” in any form. I guess they are not supported.
- Could you add support for them?
- Or tell me if there is any other way to achieve this case transformation?
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