Regenerate fly image sizes based on crop position
Hi there,
First of all, thanks a lot Junaid for this plugin, working like a charm and perfect for what I’m looking for!
Here’s my question: I try to combine Fly Dynamic Image Resizer with an another great plugin “YoImages” to generate custom cropped image for predefined WP image sizes.
In my case, WP default image sizes are defined in “functions.php” by “add_image_size” (with “crop” attribute set to “true”) and dynamic image sizes by “fly_add_image_size” (based on my default image sizes ratios to set sizes variations).
My goal now is to regenerate fly images variations in “/uploads/fly-images/{id}/” each time a new crop is performed via YoImages, by using “yoimg_seo_images_to_update” hook to delete dynamically generated images and rebuilt them when needed, with the new crop positions (x/y values for YoImages crop origin are recoverable with “wp_get_attachment_metadata” where “yoimg_attachment_metadata” values are added).
As I can’t figure out how to rebuild dynamic images based on a cropped image file instead of its original file, could you please guide me to a solution to do so?
Thanks in advanced!
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