Reference Container in Elementor
This is by far the best Footnotes plugin I’ve found so far, but I’m struggling to get the reference list to display in the location I need it to be within Elementor. More specifically, I want the reference list to display in a particular “Inner Section” within Elementor, one that doesn’t correspond to any of my theme’s widget areas.
Before this plugin, I was using “Better Footnotes” which allowed me to use a shortcode within an Elementor text editor block: that way, wherever the text block was, the reference list would appear there.
But I can’t seem to get the reference list to go into the inner section. I tried two things within Elementor, but both resulted only in empty space:
1) In Footnotes settings, I set the Position of the Reference Container to “in the widget area.”
2) From the WordPress dashboard, I put the Footnotes widget in a particular widget area (e.g. my theme has tonnes and I tried a bunch: Sub Footer, Below Header Left, etc.)
3) Then from the Elementor editor, I added a “Sidebar” block to the desired location and configured it to display the widget area I had chosen in step 2.I tried this with a number of widget areas and got the same result: empty space where the reference list should be.
1) In Footnotes settings, I set the Position of the Reference Container to “in the widget area.”
2) From the Elementor editor, I added the Footnotes widget itself directly into the desired location.This had the same result as before.
I don’t have this problem when I simply allow the reference container to be one of the theme-defined widget areas. The problem only arises when I try to have it appear in a custom location within Elementor.
Hope that makes sense, and apologies if I’m missing anything obvious! Any recommendations for how to customise the location? Happy to provide more info.
Hi @hamshe,
Sorry for my late reply, and thank you for making this effort and reporting the issue. I’m very sorry that Footnotes does not support custom location for the reference container. I don’t see yet how this can be achieved, since despite my label I’m only a maintenance programmer fixing some bugs and adding some settings. See the pending as my disclaimer.
But I can’t seem to get the reference list to go into the inner section. I tried two things within Elementor, but both resulted only in empty space:
That is because Elementor runs way before Footnotes. If Footnotes is set to run before Elementor, i.e. at priority level <10, it is downright disabled, because Elementor needs to grab the data right from the DB, where it stores the content and everything in the post’s metadata. So a shortcode is the only way to get the reference container into a given element. Sadly Footnotes didn’t start supporting this despite previous requests, because since I joined in I’m busy with fixing bugs and adding settings so the plugin can more (still not all) of what it was designed for, and didn’t yet have a chance to extend its functionality e.g. by adding a feature to convert footnotes from docx to shortcode-bracketed inline footnotes.
2) From the Elementor editor, I added the Footnotes widget itself directly into the desired location.
This had the same result as before.
That looks like an incompatibility of Elementor with your theme. Footnotes doesn’t seem to recognize its widget after it is handled by Elementor, that adds also plenty of widgets of its own; e.g. every accordion section has widget status.
I don’t have this problem when I simply allow the reference container to be one of the theme-defined widget areas. The problem only arises when I try to have it appear in a custom location within Elementor.
I’ve thought about a workaround inserting an empty section in Elementor above the desired location, then append the widget by a JavaScript function, but that fails if the ID of the section is not stable, it would at most work for a single page.
Hope that makes sense, and apologies if I’m missing anything obvious! Any recommendations for how to customise the location? Happy to provide more info.
You aren’t missing anything; Footnotes is.
I don’t know if I need to know your theme’s name, I just think it might be useful.
I’m now thinking about trying to copy or ape the relevant code from Better Footnotes, that you are citing, since everything is under a GPL license. Footnotes has also started shipping the basic responsive page layout from Hello?Elementor as an option fixing the reference container left and right margins in Elementor-built pages in Hello, and now even useful to fix Twenty Twenty-One. But I’d never considered copying anything from other plugins. If it helps you to build better web pages, that may be likely to change now. I’ll let you know if it can be got to work for our upcoming 2.2.0 that I’m racing to complete.
Best regards.
Thankfully the custom position shortcode support is now part of 2.2.0 released a few minutes ago. I didn’t look up other plugins but found part of the solution in
The default [?[references]?] can be changed in the dashboard > General settings > Reference container > Position shortcode. When that is in the content, it will be replaced with the container; if it is in a widget, that widget must be in the content for the shortcode to work, but that is what you intended so hopefully it will work for you.
Thank you for incentivizing the addition of this long-missing feature.
Our apologies to all users of Footnotes for the trouble caused by the lack of support for a reference container position shortcode.
In the absence of a shortcode, the reference container is positioned as previously.
Sadly this 2.2.0 does not contain all projected settings, nor is it relocalized as intended, because of speeding up the release.
Please let us know if it works for you in Elementor as expected.
Thank you so much for your helpful reply and willingness to implement this feature so promptly! You’ve really gone above and beyond.
Good news is, it works!
A couple of observations that might be helpful for you to refine it:
1) For some reason, the shortcode doesn’t work unless I select “at the end of the post” as the Default Position setting, even though the shortcode is present in the content. When I have “in the footer” or “in the widget area” selected, the references appear in the footer or in my theme’s widget area, and the shortcode in the content just appears as itself. However, when I select “at the end of the post”, the shortcode works fine!
2) I’m not sure if this is my doing or related to the 2.2.0 update, but the footnote numbers in the body of the text and the backlinks in the reference container are no longer styled according to my theme’s settings for links — they’re just styled as ordinary black text (whereas hyperlinks are usually blue and turn grey on hover). This is the case whether the reference list is being displayed in the footer, in a widget, or in the shortcode in the post content. I don’t think this was the case before the update, but I can’t fully remember … just thought I’d mention it. (Either way, it’s a small enough price to pay for the usefulness of the shortcode!)
Thank you very much for your prompt feedback and the many tests you performed beforehand! I’m relieved that it works in Elementor and meets your expectations about customizing the reference container position within the page content. The settings will be rearranged and properly annotated to account for your findings. Thanks a lot!
the footnote numbers in the body of the text and the backlinks in the reference container are no longer styled according to my theme’s settings for links — they’re just styled as ordinary black text (whereas hyperlinks are usually blue and turn grey on hover).
That is a very concerning bad news and revives my worst nightmares about loss of user data in the process of releasing a redesigned settings UI. The link color is triggered by the link elements used around the footnote numbers in either location. A website may not use link color. It could be set to inherit, but the link element in itself may not be preferred. So the link element was made optional since v2.1.4, and the setting was added in the Other settings box near the bottom of the first dashboard tab. However it defaults to Yes, and needs an explicit user action to be disabled. But a box labeled “Other settings” is very bad UI design, it couldn’t be kept. Since the link element setting is more expected to go with the referrers in the text than with the backlinks in the reference container, and the referrers are under the second tab together with the tooltips, this select box was moved for v2.2.0.
Now I’m afraid that moving the link element setting disabled it. May you please look it up under the “Referrers and tooltips” tab > Referrer typesetting and formatting > Use the link element for referrers and backlinks: and let us know if it is set to No?
When I tested in my local sandbox, moving the Custom?CSS settings box from this tab to the next one deleted its content! It couldn’t be kept at the bottom of “Referrers and tooltips”. When Custom?CSS joined settings in v1.3.0 (“Add: new settings tab for custom CSS settings”), it had its own tab. I tried hard to restore that state, but whatever settings I moved to a new tab, that emptied them all to zero! I’m unable to increase the tab number without destroying user data! So I reverted that change and tried to put the most logic into the existing scheme, getting rid of the “Customize” tab that confused users who are very strict about the difference between configuration and customization.
But when I tested v2.2.0 in my live sandbox hosted by an ISP, the content of the Custom?CSS text area remained. That reassured me so that I removed the duplicate CSS text area under the legacy tab as useless and weird, and extrapolated to all other moved settings, that the data is safe.
Your report overthrows that assurance and makes me fear the worst!
I remembered a row “footnotes storage” in the DB. Only now do I realize that each dashboard tab has its own DB row! There is footnotes_storage BUT ALSO footnotes_storage_custom AND footnotes_storage_expert — Can anybody explain to me why moving the CUSTOM?CSS did not delete its data on the internet? Was it just browser caching, and my local sandbox was not cached?
Cramming tons of additional settings under the Custom?CSS tab was certainly a bad decision, but no matter I’m here to fix the mess.
I can only beg you and all other Footnotes users your pardon for the new mess I’ve made of the plugin by not having any clues about how to transfer data from a DB row to another DB row, or about how to reunite all footnotes data in a single row.
Sorry please.
Thank you.
Not to worry, I don’t think any of my settings have changed!
The “Use the link element for referrers and backlinks” was set to “Yes” as it has always been, and I don’t see any evidence of changed settings anywhere else!
Two other things I’ve noticed, in case they’re relevant and/or have easy fixes:
1) There is a very large amount of empty space above the reference list generated by the shortcode (about 40 px worth). I’ve fixed this by setting the margin of the text box with the shortcode in it to -40px, which works fine, but just thought I’d let you know.
2) I’ve set some paragraphs on my site to be indented on the first line with the following code in the theme’s Custom CSS:
.a {
text-indent: 5%;
}I then put <p class=”a”></p> tags around any paragraphs I want to be indented in this way.
But I’ve noticed that when footnotes are present in a paragraph indented this way, the tooltip is also indented (but thankfully that’s just in the tooltip, not the text in the reference container below). It’s a relatively minor issue, but I’m not sure how I’d fix it.
Thanks again for all your help!
I wish to thank you again for reporting the data problem. Thanks to you, a bugfix has been released in urgency a few minutes ago (2.2.1), where the moved UI elements are duplicated under their legacy tab. Indeed when saving the settings of the reference container under the “General settings” tab, the data of the link element setting was deleted because its select box had been moved and was no longer present under the saved tab.
However I still don’t understand why in this case, the plugin didn’t use the default, that is Yes. The exact same bug occurred when I added a tab and found all settings zeroed, while I think that normally they should keep their value. Or at least, reset to their default value if the data cannot be retrieved from under a new tab. I suspect that the data structure is suboptimal and not robust enough, making the UI hard to maintain.
Your report will now help another user not to lose their Custom?CSS data, that they are now advised to edit. (See
Hopefully no user has already opened and saved the Footnotes dashboard yet, between yesterday 20:45:43 +0000 and today 13:09:59 +0000.
I’m sort of overwhelmed by all the issues we’re facing while trying to debug and enhance the Footnotes plugin. I started this year as a simple user setting up a WordPress blog needing footnotes, and documented the customizations I needed to make to Footnotes’ code in order to get it to work for me and help others do the same, until I noticed that software customization is bad practice and that the fixes needed to be ported into the project so as to benefit to all users.
I didn’t have a chance yet to apply your advice but will correct the UI ASAP.
Sorry please for posting past your reply:
The “Use the link element for referrers and backlinks” was set to “Yes” as it has always been, and I don’t see any evidence of changed settings anywhere else!
I suspect that the plugin grabbed the default just to display the tab, while using a zeroed setting on your website. Would it help that you save the “Referrers and tooltips” tab? Hopefully the link element will then be used again, triggering the link color to be applied to referrers and backlinks.
But I just notice the same issue in my sandbox! I couldn’t find the reason. Hopefully it will be fixed ASAP. That will need yet another bugfix release (2.2.2).
1) There is a very large amount of empty space above the reference list generated by the shortcode (about 40 px worth).
24?pixels are due to the public style sheet stipulating a
padding-top: 24px !important
. To address the issue, a setting shall be added to change this easily, by setting a margin-top instead, that can also take negative values like you fixed it from the other end.But I’ve noticed that when footnotes are present in a paragraph indented this way, the tooltip is also indented
The tooltip span inherits the indent from its parent p. Hopefully this will be fixed by canceling the indent for the tooltip:
.footnote_tooltip { text-indent: 0; }
Hopefully I’ll have better news to post wrt the link elements ASAP!
I got the link element and link color back, but it took saving the settings with Yes in the select box.
Since 2.2.1 (current), the link element Yes/No select box has two instances, one in the “Reference container” settings box under the “General settings” tab, and one in the “Referrer typesetting and formatting” settings box under the “Referrers and tooltips” tab.
To enable the link element, you may set any of them to Yes and save.
Just please don’t trust the displayed value when opening either dashboard tab right now, until the tab has been saved.
I apologize for the hassle, and hope that your website will get fixed by this now.
Since 2.2.1 (current), the link element Yes/No select box has two instances, one in the “Reference container” settings box under the “General settings” tab, and one in the “Referrer typesetting and formatting” settings box under the “Referrers and tooltips” tab.
To enable the link element, you may set any of them to Yes and save.
This worked perfectly, link formatting is back! And this:
`.footnote_tooltip {
text-indent: 0;
}fixed the indenting problem too once I added it to the theme’s custom CSS.
I really can’t thank you enough — in barely 24 hours you’ve added a hugely useful feature and sorted out two bugs (one new and one old), essentially solving every issue I had with the plugin. Tremendous work!
Thank you! I’m so happy that it works and fixed it. The second instance of the link element setting, though, under the “Referrers and tooltips” tab, turned out dysfunctional, and that move was the very reason of the bug. It is replaced with a notice in upcoming 2.2.2, where the advice you provided about the needed position setting for the (customizable) shortcode to work, is also implemented:
To use the position shortcode, please set the position to: at the end of the post
Lesson learnt: The Custom CSS text area in the plugin will be properly migrated to a dedicated new tab, with the legacy instance remaining (as it does remain in current 2.2.1) at least until an explicit action. Data structure makes the UI harder to maintain, as settings mustn’t be moved from a tab to another.
Sorry for already releasing a new bugfix, because 2.2.1 must be replaced ASAP for that reason.
The reference container top margin setting shall be added for 2.3.0.
Thank you so much for helping us improve this plugin!
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