Please consult theme provider on issues with your current theme. This forum supports themes from here. That said, this is typically just a CSS issue, so:
To discover what CSS is output by your theme, use a web inspection tool such as Firebug: , Chrome Inspect Element: or Internet Explorer 9+ F12 Dev. Tools:
There are others.
When editing CSS, use a Child Theme
Custom CSS Plugin, or Theme provided custom CSS option.
Edits to parent themes are lost on theme update.
Learn CSS:
I also suggest that your first order of work on this site at this time is to update it. Running old versions of WP is a security issue. WP3.3.1 was released almost two years ago. Prior to doing so, however, it will be important to ensure your theme and plugins have compatible versions (and that a theme update will not cause direct edits to a parent theme to be lost). That said, running the latest version of WP is always the higher priority.