Reduce Excessive Bandwidth usage on plugin and theme pages
The sample images in the “add new plugins” and “add new themes” pages need to be brought to your attention.
1- They are way too large.
For example take a look at this theme’s image.
ImageIt’s over 1000px wide!
Now, if you compare this to the actual display size for it in the search page you will find that it is three times larger than it needs to be. The biggest display size possible for each result is ~300px. Why is the image size over 1000px?
2- The images in the search results page are in PNG format. There is no need for that as the alpha channel is useless for this purpose. it is just wasted bandwidth. JPEG is a much better choice for all of the sample images.
The theme image I linked to above is actually one of the better ones as it’s 150Kb. Some of the other one are over 500kb.
500kb by itself is nothing but when you scroll through 40-50 results it adds up fast.
Also, while the one I linked to was only 150kb, I still managed to cut that in half by reducing its size and saving it as JPEG instead.
3- Once the images are all made in JPEG, then making them progressive would be the ideal way to wrap things up. Progressive JPEG images make the page load a lot more pleasant.
The problem with leaving the images as they are is that the user ends up with something like this:
Thank you.
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