Redis Object Cache: Filesystem: Not writeable fault
Dear Developer,
I cannot fix the attached error.
I have tried everything.
Please help me.Best regards,
Csaba Pócsai
That means your
folder is not writeable to the plugin.Dear Till,
I do not understand the problem.
The wp-content directory is owned by http, its group is user.
All folders are 755 and all files are 644.
All plugins work flawlessly and are updated.
I continue to ask for your help.Best regards,
Csaba Pócsai
Status: Connected
Client: Predis (v2.0.3)
Drop-in: Valid
Disabled: No
Ping: PONG
Errors: []
PhpRedis: Not loaded
Relay: Not loaded
Predis: 2.0.3
Credis: Not loaded
PHP Version: 8.0.23
Plugin Version: 2.2.2
Redis Version: 7.0.7
Multisite: No
Metrics: Enabled
Metrics recorded: 27
Filesystem: Object cache file doesn’t exist.
Global Prefix: "pbbqa_"
Blog Prefix: "pbbqa_"
Global Groups: [
Ignored Groups: [
Unflushable Groups: []
Groups Types: {
"blog-details": "global",
"blog-id-cache": "global",
"blog-lookup": "global",
"global-posts": "global",
"networks": "global",
"rss": "global",
"sites": "global",
"site-details": "global",
"site-lookup": "global",
"site-options": "global",
"site-transient": "global",
"users": "global",
"useremail": "global",
"userlogins": "global",
"usermeta": "global",
"user_meta": "global",
"userslugs": "global",
"redis-cache": "global",
"counts": "ignored",
"plugins": "ignored",
"themes": "ignored",
"blog_meta": "global"
Drop-ins: [
"advanced-cache.php v by ",
"Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.2.2 by Till Krüss"
]This is the complete diagnostics.
Filesystem: Object cache file doesn’t exist.
If your cache works as expected and you don’t have trouble enabling/disabling the cache then you can ignore the errors.
It seems your filesystem permissions are fairly strict and that’s why the plugin is complaining.
Something is not working correctly with your plugin.
I made a new test environment.
No other plugins are running here.
The permissions of wp-content are 777, both for directories and files.
Now I installed phpredis, it is running.
The error persists.
What else should I do?
I did not like it when something does not work correctly.
So the pro version makes no sense either.
I attach the diagnostics.Status: Connected Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.5RC1) Drop-in: Valid Disabled: No Ping: 1 Errors: [] PhpRedis: 5.3.5RC1 Relay: Not loaded Predis: Not loaded Credis: Not loaded PHP Version: 8.0.23 Plugin Version: 2.2.2 Redis Version: 7.0.7 Multisite: No Metrics: Enabled Metrics recorded: 222 Filesystem: Object cache file doesn’t exist. Global Prefix: "wp_" Blog Prefix: "wp_" WP_REDIS_HOST: "" WP_REDIS_PORT: 46379 WP_REDIS_DATABASE: 9 WP_REDIS_PREFIX: "" Global Groups: [ "blog-details", "blog-id-cache", "blog-lookup", "global-posts", "networks", "rss", "sites", "site-details", "site-lookup", "site-options", "site-transient", "users", "useremail", "userlogins", "usermeta", "user_meta", "userslugs", "redis-cache", "blog_meta" ] Ignored Groups: [ "counts", "plugins", "themes" ] Unflushable Groups: [] Groups Types: { "blog-details": "global", "blog-id-cache": "global", "blog-lookup": "global", "global-posts": "global", "networks": "global", "rss": "global", "sites": "global", "site-details": "global", "site-lookup": "global", "site-options": "global", "site-transient": "global", "users": "global", "useremail": "global", "userlogins": "global", "usermeta": "global", "user_meta": "global", "userslugs": "global", "redis-cache": "global", "counts": "ignored", "plugins": "ignored", "themes": "ignored", "blog_meta": "global" } Drop-ins: [ "Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.2.2 by Till Krüss" ]
I dug into this. The issue is that:
WP_REDIS_PLUGIN_PATH . '/includes/object-cache.php'
doesn’t exist according to your PHP process.Okay.
How can I fix this?Are you using a standard WordPress setup, or is it customized?
Where did you install the
plugin directory?Standard WP setup.
From / copy object-cache.php to /
Wp-config.php is define:
define( ‘WP_REDIS_HOST’, ‘’ );
define( ‘WP_REDIS_PORT’, 46379 );
define( ‘WP_REDIS_DATABASE’, 9 );
define( ‘WP_REDIS_PREFIX’, ‘’ );
define( ‘WP_CACHE’, true );In that case you’ll have to debug this yourself, or get a developer to do it for you. I doubt it’s a plugin issue, since it’s working for everyone one else. It’s likely your filesystem permissions.
On the test website I have given 777 permissions, but it doesn’t work there either.
This must be a plugin problem.In that case you’ll have to debug the code yourself, or get a developer to do it for you.
In this case, it can be said that:
- the plugin is not working properly
- it is trying to access something it has nothing to do with
- could there be a “backdoor” in it?
OMG. There is no backdoor and it’s not accessing anything outside its own plugin directory.
The plugin is working fine. See below.
Status: Connected Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.5RC1) Drop-in: Valid
I found a bug in the plugin.
It does not work correctly when “‘FS_METHOD’, ‘ssh2′” is set.
You have to change it to “‘FS_METHOD’, ‘direct'”, then it works perfectly.
This needs to be fixed.Status: Connected Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.5RC1) Drop-in: Valid Disabled: No Ping: 1 Errors: [] PhpRedis: 5.3.5RC1 Relay: Not loaded Predis: Not loaded Credis: Not loaded PHP Version: 8.0.23 Plugin Version: 2.2.2 Redis Version: 7.0.7 Multisite: No Metrics: Enabled Metrics recorded: 68 Filesystem: Working Global Prefix: "wp_" Blog Prefix: "wp_" WP_REDIS_HOST: "" WP_REDIS_PORT: 46379 WP_REDIS_DATABASE: 9 WP_REDIS_PREFIX: "" Global Groups: [ "blog-details", "blog-id-cache", "blog-lookup", "global-posts", "networks", "rss", "sites", "site-details", "site-lookup", "site-options", "site-transient", "users", "useremail", "userlogins", "usermeta", "user_meta", "userslugs", "redis-cache", "blog_meta" ] Ignored Groups: [ "counts", "plugins", "themes" ] Unflushable Groups: [] Groups Types: { "blog-details": "global", "blog-id-cache": "global", "blog-lookup": "global", "global-posts": "global", "networks": "global", "rss": "global", "sites": "global", "site-details": "global", "site-lookup": "global", "site-options": "global", "site-transient": "global", "users": "global", "useremail": "global", "userlogins": "global", "usermeta": "global", "user_meta": "global", "userslugs": "global", "redis-cache": "global", "counts": "ignored", "plugins": "ignored", "themes": "ignored", "blog_meta": "global" } Drop-ins: [ "Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.2.2 by Till Krüss" ]
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