I have to suspect that the issue is all coming from this portion of the code for the breadcrump function.:
if( is_singular() ){
if( ! $taxonomies ){
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies( array('hierarchical' => true, 'public' => true) );
if( count( $taxonomies ) == 1 ) $taxonomies = 'category';
if( $term = get_the_terms( $post->post_parent ? $post->post_parent : $post->ID, $taxonomies ) ){
$term = array_shift( $term );
} else
$term = &$wp_query->get_queried_object();
if( ! $term && ! is_attachment() )
return print "Error: Taxonomy is not defined!";
I do know that the error is showing on a singular post, so that first if statement gets used. However, I am suspecting that you may have more than one taxonomy that is hierarchical, which would make the $taxonomies
variable an array, with more than 1 count. That’s then passed into get_the_terms(...)
but that last argument is expecting a string, not a potential array. So, I think that $term
is getting set to something that isn’t an array either, probably null. Thus we’re getting to the last if statement, where we have $term
likely being null, and we’re not on an attachment, thus we get the error.
it does not explain necessarily why it appears to sort of work with Redis off, but perhaps you’re momentarily getting a cached version that just doesn’t show the error.
That’s my thoughts at least for what’s going on. Not something that CPTUI really has any control over, so I can’t make any code changes from our end, that’d help this.