Having a similar problem.
WP 4.1.1
Redirect version 5.0.6
In quick-redirects if I use:
/help/?data=456 –> /url-for-help-file-456/
It works in HTTP mode.
This also works:
/help/?data=456 –> https://MYDOMAINNAME/url-for-help-file-456/
If I set it like this:
https://MYDOMAINNAME/help/?data=456 –> /url-for-help-file-456/
https://MYDOMAINNAME/help/?data=456 –> /url-for-help-file-456/
The top one works, the second one doesn’t. (I know, it says not to use the full domain in there, however it does work.)
I’d like the redirect to not care what the protocol is and do the redirect anyway. The strange part is, if I reverse the order of the rules above, it’s always the first one that is executed and the second one (with the other protocol) is ignored.
One of two things is happening, either the way we have HTTPS implemented is causing one of the systems Redirect uses to be bypassed, or it stops processing rules based on the URL after the first slash and ignores the domain name. The fact that the rules change behavior when re-ordered makes me think it stops processing rules when it finds a match for after the first /.
My alternative method for doing the same thing (making help files for a program go to particular pages that don’t exist yet based on the context of the help button in the program today) is mess with mod_rewrite in htaccess.
Is there any way to get this tool to completely ignore the domain name and the protocol using just /file.htm > /file/ type redirects?