Hi @letscms
Unable to validate CSRF state:
The “Unable to validate CSRF state” error indicates a cookie related cache problem of your server. So the server only accepts cookies with a specific name.
Nextend Social Login uses the following cookie: SESSnsl
So you should get in touch with your host, to ask them about their cookie policies and if they can they should white-list this cookie.
If white-listing is not possible, then you should ask them about the accepted cookie name, and you need to change the name of our cookie. Here you can find more information about how it can be done:
What I currently see on your site:
I checked the login with on the linked page and the mentioned problem didn’t occur for me. However I see a different problem, that your Facebook App is may not configured properly.
When I tried to login, Facebook returned the following error:
URL blocked: This redirect failed because the redirect URI is not white-listed in the app's client OAuth settings. Make sure that the client and web OAuth logins are on and add all your app domains as valid OAuth redirect URIs.
This error message usually indicates that, the Valid OAuth redirect URIs field is not correct for your app.
What I would suggest, is going to Nextend Social Login > Providers > Facebook > Getting Started section. There you will see the correct “Valid OAuth redirect URI”, probably at 11th step of the App creation. This must be inserted to your App and that will probably fix the problem.
If you would see another problem, please get in touch with use directly at:
Best regards,