• Hi there!

    Polylang: Version 1.8.5
    Permanlink settings: Post name
    Static front page: yes
    Polylang selected settings:

    • The language is set from content
    • Hide URL language info for default languages
    • Remove /language/ in pretty permalinks
    • The front page url contains the language code instead of the page name or page id

    • A little bit of context first:

      I am using a theme called mee theme, all my pages are shown as it is only one single page layout (displaying pages as sections) and the way they handle the URLs is still a mystery for me.

      Basically, I can call any page in the usual way (as in my permalink settings) and it will show only that page as expected, but if I use a “query string” (“https://<baseURL>/?page=<mix between page title and slug>”) URL all my pages are shown in a OnePage layout site and a slide animation will be triggered to move the user to the correct page.

      My translation problem is related when this OnePage layout is used, now bear with me:

    1. I am guessing that polylang does not detect that I am in a page different to front page, so it always redirects to the front page when I use the language switcher. For example, if I am in “https://<baseURL>/?page=contact&#8221; and I click in the 2nd language of the language switcher, I will get redirected to the front page (OnePage layout) of my 2nd language and not to the OnePage translation of the current page, the slide animation won’t be triggered, and the URL will be “https://<baseURL>/de&#8221;
    2. If I manually introduce the URL “https://<baseURL>/de/?page=kontakt&#8221; I will get a “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria” message, instead of loading my OnePage layout site (in German in this case) and slide to the Kontakt page.

    So my question really is: Is there a way to use filters like “pll_translation_url” or “pll_the_language_link” to customize the translation URLs base on the current URL? From “https://<baseURL>/?page=contact&#8221; to “https://<baseURL>/de/?page=kontakt&#8221;. Would this do the trick?

    If not, how could I achieve that?

    Test website: here

    Extra unrelated info: “/?page=introduction” and “/?page=thankyou” are working as header and footer. These sections are automatically added to the site (they are not pages created by me).

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Plugin Support Chrystl


    In the Settings > Reading, have you check “a static page” then select one of your home page in “Front page”?

    Thread Starter susox



    Yup, the static page is selected https://prntscr.com/ap918x

    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Could you provide a screenhsot of your pages list where appear your 2 homes pages links by the translation?

    Thread Starter susox


    Sure, link

    All 6 pages are translated, no plus (+) signs just checks and pencils.

    Remember that the translation process works for all the pages when they are in full-width mode (calling manually their permalink “https://<baseURL>/contact&#8221;).

    What I want to achieve is the same behavior on the OnePage layout, when the URL has the following format “https://<baseURL>/?page=contact&#8221;.

    And of course I want to avoid the “Sorry, no posts matched your criteria” message when using directly the URL with format “https://<baseURL>/de/?page=kontakt&#8221; for my translated pages (because it works fine in the default language):

    1. This works: Contact Page
    2. This does not work: Kontakt page although if you go first to Startseite and then click “Kontakt” in the left menu, the slide transition is triggered correctly. The German menu items are pages (no custom links) set like this and I am only assuming that the theme in the background changes their links later to a format with mix of anchor points (#chapterkontakt) and query strings (/?page=kontakt)


    Plugin Support Chrystl


    Is exist a freely available version of your theme to test it?

    Thread Starter susox


    Sadly no.

    I will contact them and see if I can provide my own version to enhance Polylang compatibility.

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