Redirect to lesson instead of course section
Hi, how can I redirect enrolled users to the lesson instead to the course page?
I found this but could not implemented:*On the Enrolled Course page, You can see all the enrolled courses, right? Now, if you click on the title of the course you will be redirected to the course page. Okay, but if you want to redirect the user to the first lesson of any course then what? Well, use this code: Go to wp-content/plugins/tutor/templates/dashboard/enrolled-courses.php at line number 39. Here you can see this code:*/ $custom_url = home_url($post->post_type.’/’.$post->post_name); /* After this line add this code: */ $lesson_url = tutor_utils()->get_course_first_lesson( get_the_ID() ); /*Now, Replace the $custom_url with $lesson_url so that when you click on the title it will directly go to the lesson instead of the course page.*/
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