• I have searched Google and looked in here. I don’t see quite what I am experiencing.

    I run a small WordPress site at home and wanted to make a page so a certain role can only access it. Now this part is working great and I love your plugin for this reason. What I want to have happen is that if someone not in the right role tries to access it then it will go to another page I created. I put the URL in the options directly to the page I want. Whenever someone in the wrong role clicks it I just get the login page. This is not going to the page I want it to it seems to be bypassing whatever I put in the custom redirect.

    (Here is what is on my “Members Only” settings page.)

    Default Redirect For Members Only Pages


    Defaults to WordPress login page (https://www.bearhugproductions.com/wp-login.php)
    After a user logs in they will be redirected back to the page they attempted to view

    Page 101 is the page I want them to go to and that page works fine.


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  • I am having a similar problem

    i added a page URL to the Default Redirect For Members Only Pages in the MEMBERS ONLY settings — but each time i browse to a Members Only page while not logged in – i get taken to the main WordPress Login Page instead of the URL i added in settings.

    i am using wordpress 3.5.1 and a genesis framework child theme — any ideas why it’s not working?



    Graucho Marx


    Same issue here.


    Graucho Marx


    Just in case someone is interested…
    Finally I “solved” this problem using Sideways8 Custom Login. It shows wp-login inside your page which is what I wanted.



    I was having the same issue. It seems that the default option in the WAC settings doesn’t work. I have fixed it by manually putting the page you want the not logged user to redirect to in the WordPress Access Control settings on each post/page. There is an option to apply to child pages if that is relevant to you.

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