Redirect not working
I can see several posts on our side which simply do not get correctly redirected. Usually if someone makes a mistake in the URL. For example:
1. caught URL: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke
2. correct URL: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-keyboard-and-mouse-skills/
3. Only one simply URL proposed: /articles/news/the-last-of-us-part-ii-gets-ps5-patch/We have a minimum score of suggestions 75, lowering it to 10 does nothing. And after trying some more changes, right now it doesn’t show any suggestions at all… Ok, after changing the number the URL from point 3. has 71% so it needs to be at least 70% which still does not fix the problem at all.
And there is much more similar posts which are not being correctly redirected. Any advice or help?
Thank you.
This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
Try turning on debug logging, test again, paste the log file results to, and send me the link here.
See here
Just search for “5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke”
Add [abj404_solution_page_suggestions] to your 404 page so you can see the scores the other pages get.
Hi. We have it there. And we have a new manual 404 page because it was not possible to use the default one in your plugin for some time.
The problem is that the suggested pages, posts, do not work well. The correct posts are not suggested. And it was working fine in the past…
Upgrade to 2.24.3 and do the test again please.
Here is the debug. The problem seems to me that there is some redirect to our manual 404 page which is wrong.
If I remove it and use wordpress default 404 page then the redirect works fine. So you must fix the problem with the option to Redirect all unhandled 404s to: xxxzzzyyy It cannot be considered as a true redirect.
2021-05-25 15:40:21 CEST (DEBUG): Processing request for action: (none)
2021-05-25 15:40:21 CEST (DEBUG): Displaying sub page: abj404_options
2021-05-25 15:40:26 CEST (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke | Redirect: {“id”:0} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 0, auto_tags: 0, dest404page: 366823|1, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36, REMOTE_ADDR:, REQUEST_URI: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke
2021-05-25 15:40:26 CEST (DEBUG): No posts or pages matching slug: 5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Found 1 likely match IDs.
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: Karel | From: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke to:, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.78 seconds, permalinks found: {“371420|1″:”71.1712”}
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Ignoring file/folder (do not redirect) for URL: articles/news/genshin-impact-kfc-crossover-event-cancelled-due-to-overwhelming-demand-in-china/mraid.js, pattern used: ^.*\.js$
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Ignoring file/folder (do not redirect) for URL: articles/news/genshin-impact-kfc-crossover-event-cancelled-due-to-overwhelming-demand-in-china/mraid.js, pattern used: ^.*mraid\.js.*$
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Ignoring file/folder (do not redirect) for URL: articles/news/genshin-impact-kfc-crossover-event-cancelled-due-to-overwhelming-demand-in-china/mraid.js, pattern used: ^.*\/mraid\.js$
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: | From: /articles/news/genshin-impact-kfc-crossover-event-cancelled-due-to-overwhelming-demand-in-china/mraid.js to: 404, Reason: ignore_donotprocess, Ignore msg(s): Files and folders (do not redirect) pattern: ^.*\/mraid\.js$, Execution time: 0.02 seconds, permalinks found: (not set)
2021-05-25 15:40:28 CEST (DEBUG): Found 1 likely match IDs.
2021-05-25 15:40:37 CEST (DEBUG): Processing request for action: (none)
2021-05-25 15:40:37 CEST (DEBUG): Displaying sub page: abj404_options
2021-05-25 15:40:41 CEST (DEBUG): Processing 404 for URL: /article/16660_top-10-skyrim-graphics-mods-vol-1 | Redirect: {“id”:”30837″,”url”:”\/article\/16660_top-10-skyrim-graphics-mods-vol-1″,”status”:”2″,”type”:”1″,”final_dest”:”12630″,”code”:”301″,”disabled”:”0″,”timestamp”:”1564023556″} | is_single(): | is_page(): | is_feed(): | is_trackback(): | is_preview(): | options: auto_redirects: 1, auto_score: 90, auto_cats: 0, auto_tags: 0, dest404page: 366823|1, HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.212 Safari/537.36 OPR/76.0.4017.139, REMOTE_ADDR: 2003:6:3de:b187:41c8:bceb:4f7:c6cd, REQUEST_URI: /article/16660_top-10-skyrim-graphics-mods-vol-1
2021-05-25 15:40:41 CEST (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: | From: /article/16660_top-10-skyrim-graphics-mods-vol-1 to: /articles/guides/top-10-skyrim-graphics-mods-vol-1/, Reason: existing, Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.01 seconds, permalinks found: (not set)
2021-05-25 15:40:42 CEST (DEBUG): Processing request for action: (none)
2021-05-25 15:40:42 CEST (DEBUG): Displaying sub page: abj404_debugfile`Clearly the second test you did is different than the first. Are you still having an issue? If so please state clearly what it is.
No, the test was exactly the same. And as I said, after I changed the 404 page from our manual one to the default one in wordpress, the redirection was correct. So there is a very clear bug in this settings. If you use a new created 404 page the redirection and suggestion is not working because there is already one redirection to that created 404 page. When we disable it and use the default one, it’s working.
Is the issue with redirection or with a 404 page?
Please only one concrete example of what you think should be happening and what is actually happening instead.
I don’t know how to explain it better. Using this URL /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke
1. Default 404 page – redirection works, the plugin successfully finds the correct page based on the match and directly redirects there without showing 404. That is a correct behaviour.
2. New, manual 404 page – the URL shows this new 404 page without any relevant suggestions. It also does not redirect to the page.So again, as I saw in the debug log and copied again below, that new 404 page has a priority and the whole process does not work. I think the reason below says it clearly.
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: Karel | From: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke to:, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.78 seconds, permalinks found: {“371420|1″:”71.1712”}
I can’t help you. The log file clearly shows that the plugin is doing what it’s supposed to. It redirects to the page you specify. That’s all it’s supposed to do.
The log file line you have copied shows that it’s working correctly. If you don’t like the behavior of the plugin I suggest you try a different redirection plugin. There are many out there.
Well, I don’t really care about what the log says. But if you check the images here I am simply not lying.
First link from the log went to the default 404 page and then it was correctly automatically redirected to the correct page.
Second link highlighted in the log linked to the manual new 404 page and stayed there. There was no other process which would redirect the page correctly. The suggestions just do not work there.
I am telling you what I see and there is simply no denying it…
And if you go here then you can see that there is an automatic redirect in the 404 captured pages. If there is “Displayed 404 page” then it worked well. If there is Redirected to 404-page-not-found then it was wrong. Again, that manual new 404 page is taken as the main target for the redirection and completely ignores everything else.
Also I have no idea why it targets ID 371420 (permalinks found). If that is taken from abj404_permalink_cache table in the database then it’s completely wrong…
id url structure url_length
371420 /news/the-last-of-us-part-ii-gets-ps5-patch/ /%category%/%postname%/ 44-
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
The line
2021-05-25 15:40:27 CEST (DEBUG): Logging redirect. Referer: | Current user: Karel | From: /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke to:, Reason: user specified 404 page. , Ignore msg(s): , Execution time: 0.78 seconds, permalinks found: {“371420|1″:”71.1712”}
means it’s working correctly. The search string was /articles/features/opinion-pieces/5-best-games-that-help-you-master-your-ke. A similar page with ID 371420 was found. The score for the similar page URL was 71.1712. On a previous debug line there is the textauto_score: 90
which means the minimum score for automatically redirecting is 90. Since 70 is less than 90 the automatic redirection does not happen. Therefore a redirection to is done. The image you’ve shown confirms what I’ve said.If the suggestions are not working then you’re not using the shortcode correctly. Please open a separate ticket for that. This one is about a “Redirect not working.”
If there is something wrong with the database please open a separate ticket for that.
Hmm, ok. The suggestion is fine then. But how could you explain that using a manual 404 page suggest just this one URL with 71 score. But if we use the default 404 page then there are better suggestions even over 90% and the visitor gets correctly redirected to the correct page??
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
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