• Resolved emminnn



    I used to have the Pro version of the EM plugin and the WPML plugin. Now we haven’t really realised any need for extending both of their licences honestly, because the regular ones seem to work quite sufficiently for us.

    Nonetheless for the last days, none of the posts in the non-default language (english) are opening, due to a problem with redirect loop. Can anybody please tell me what could be wrong?

    The site is: https://book.weld.se



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  • Hi Emin,

    This question is being answered on the Pro forums…

    I have the same problem can you guys help?

    Thread Starter emminnn


    I actually figured out the problem. It was very easy to fix but not to find.

    The thing is, for recurring events, when event is duplicated with same title, things get confused because of auto-generation of urls. Since the ?lang=en location query has to match the default language post, it doesn’t and tries to redirect to another post which also has redirect etc..

    To fix that, just manually change the default post url slug to something unique. I added the date for instance: https://mywebsite.com/events/the-amazing-event-14-Feb-0830 .

    Hope this fixes it…

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