• I switched from Movable Type 2.661 to WordPress 1.5 a few months ago. My MT blog is still up and I notice it’s still getting quite a few hits from Google, so I want to set up a redirect. I have looked in the Codex, and the information there is a bit confusing to me, partly because my MT blog was in a subdomain and my WP blog is not, and partly because I seem to fall into two “if” categories. I’ll start from the top of the Codex entry and work my way down.

    “Matt’s method uses the .htaccess file for redirection.”

    Except I don’t see any mention of the .htaccess file after this sentence.

    “. . . have it output to redirect.php in your WP root directory”

    Do I need to create this file before MT outputs to it? Or will MT create it when it does the outputting?

    Now a few examples are in order:

    This url in MT https://weblog.coldclimategardening.com/archives/2004_09.html#000326
    (the tail end of that url is /2004_09.html#000326)

    Is represented by the following url in my WordPress blog

    So it seems to me that I fall under two “ifs”: entry IDs padded with zero and extension is .html. [I just saw that it could be interpreted that the .html “if” only applies to those who used dirify in their post titles, which I did not. But since I misunderstood this the first 5 times I read it, I’d like to have this new understanding confirmed.] So I use the padded zeroes Redirect line. Should this code be all on one line, instead of wrapped, as it appears to be in the Codex?

    After creating the MT template and having it output to redirect.php, then what? Am I done? Or are there missing steps?

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