Hi @gabrielsfreela
Thanks for writing in,
For redirecting to specific page after the email confirmation link has been clicked, please add the following codes to the functions.php of your theme file.
add_action( 'user_registration_check_token_complete', 'ur_auto_login_email_verification', 10, 2 );
function ur_auto_login_email_verification( $user_id, $user_reg_successful ) {
if( true === $user_reg_successful ) {
wp_set_auth_cookie( $user_id );
$form_id_array = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'ur_form_id' );
$form_id = 0;
$url = '';
if ( isset( $form_id_array[0] ) ) {
$form_id = $form_id_array[0];
if ( '432' === $form_id ) {
$url = "https://userregistration.dev/member/";
} else if ( '432' === $form_id ) {
$url = "https://userregistration.dev/partner/";
wp_safe_redirect( $url );
Please note: ‘432’ is the form id and you will have to add the form id of the specific form with Email Confirmation login option.
WPEverest Support Team.