• Resolved ThreeBees


    Hello. I am wondering if anyone knows how to redirect a person after Checkout in WooCommerce to GoToWebinars (or anything else for that matter). I would like to automatically redirect them to a registration page after payment. If anyone has any idea on how I could achieve this it would be much appreciated.



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  • You could modify the “Thank you” page template to include a simple redirect via javascript. The page is titled “Order Received” by default. The template file itself is in the woocommerce plugin directory unless your theme has a set of checkout page templates.

    Look in your theme directory for this file:


    If it exists, edit that to include a javascript redirect.

    If it doesn’t exist, copy it from




    Add something like this:

    window.location = 'https://redirect-to-this-page'
    Thread Starter ThreeBees


    Ok. Thanks. However the redirect will change per product. Is it possible to have it redirect depending on product sold? (different webinar signup page per product)

    It would be great to have a redirect area in the downloads section of Woo ??

    Is there another – easier way I could do this?

    Cheers in advance.


    I am trying to do exactly the same – have a post-product-purchase redirect, maybe adda custom field with an URL that would then be the redirect page, different from product to product..

    +1 for this. Would love to have an option to have a different “thank you” page based on what product is bought.

    i’m also very interested in doing this

    thanks to you https://ignitewoo.com/

    After beating on this incessantly, I finally found something that inched me closer to what is being requested here, so I thought I’d post it. In my case, I wanted to customize the Order Detail/Confirmation page with a link to a form, but only when a certain product is purchased.

    If you want something similar, put this in the order_details.php template:

    global $woocommerce;
    $order = new WC_Order( $order_id );
    //This two lines above should already exist, but I have them here so you can see where I put my code
    	foreach($order->get_items() as $item) {
    		$_product = get_product($item['product_id']);
    		if ($item['product_id']==154) {
    // Do what you want here..replace the product ID with your product ID

    I also tested this by inserting a wp_redirect within the if statement and it seemed to work great, so I imagine you could customize this code with a bunch of if/elseif statements that redirect to different landing pages depending on the product purchased! Hopefully this helps someone!

    Any updates here?

    Just to clarify the request: WooCommerce customers would like to be able to specify a thank you page per product.

    Modifying the thankyou.php template affects every single product sold. : (


    Um, yes…not to be too snide, but did you even try the code I posted above? It will redirect to a custom page if desired using wp_redirect based on product ID.

    @chee Studio,

    Thank you very much for the code you provided.

    I have one small request ?? I am still learning how to write things like that and do not know what to put where in order to actually have the product specific thank you page redirect part work.

    I see it looks like it would go in the “Do what you want here..replace the product ID with your product ID” spot, (duh ?? ) but I do not know what to put there?

    Could you possibly throw some sample code in there that shows how to write the actual redirect to a page part?

    I would GREATLY appreciate it ??

    Even if no, thanks for pointing us all in the right direction. ??


    Hi @cindyclemens, sure!

    In my particular case, I wanted to display a link to a particular page, so for me, this is my code:

    foreach($order->get_items() as $item) {
    		$_product = get_product($item['product_id']);
    		if ($item['product_id']==154) {
    		echo '<h2 class="submit-script"> <a href="' . get_bloginfo('url') . '/step-2?first_name='.$order->billing_first_name. '&last_name=' . $order->billing_last_name . '&street=' . $order->billing_address_1 . '&addtwo=' .$order->billing_address_2 . '&city='.$order->billing_city. '&state='.$order->billing_state.'&zip='.$order->billing_postcode. '&email=' .$order->billing_email. '&phone=' .$order->billing_phone. '">Click here to submit your script now.</a></h2>' ;

    If I was going to do a redirect, here is what I would put:

    foreach($order->get_items() as $item) {
    		$_product = get_product($item['product_id']);
    		if ($item['product_id']==154) {

    Does this help you a bit more?

    Thread Starter ThreeBees


    I used Zapier! Awesome app.

    @chee Studio,

    Thank you! For the quick response and the additional detail on the code. That looks perfect. I will save it and give it a try.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! ??

    Have a great weekend,

    @chee Studio

    Thanks for this, I have set up the redirect successfully for one product, how would I go about doing this for several products? Do I simply do this:

    foreach($order->get_items() as $item) {
    		$_product = get_product($item['product_id']);
    		if ($item['product_id']==154;155) {

    Or how do I do it?

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