recycle of a standard woocommerce coupon code
because we thinked about the possibility to “save” in some ways the orders history of an affiliate, we had this scenario:
– we renamed the standard woocommerce code in “OLD-codexx”
– we generated a new affiliate registration with code “codexx”
What we notice:
– woocommerce stored information correctly saying that yesterday we receive the new first order with “codexx”
– “OLD-codexx” maintain history of ordied ( g.a. 7 orders )
– affiliate dashboard readed all old 7 orders and them are visible to the affiliate
For us it could be interesting to have all the orders in the affiliate dashboard, but seems that the imported orders show the commission that we set in Coupon Affiliate and not the real one processed with the order, possible?
– for the moment we don’t see the new order in the affiliate dashboard but probably because the order never changed to “complete” ?
Many thanks!
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