• Just a note… I also posted this issue on the WP-Less Github repo.

    I just installed the latest version of this plugin (1.8.0) on a new installation of WordPress (4.6.1). I followed the information in the docs. Everything seemed to be working great up to the point where it appears that recompilation is not happening as expected. The docs mention that the default setting is “deep” compilation which looks for changes on enqueued files and any imported files. Compilation runs successfully anytime that I change an enqueued file, but NOT when I modify any of the imported files.

    I’ve been playing with the configuration. In my wp-config.php file, I’ve set the following parameters…

    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); define( 'WP_LESS_ALWAYS_RECOMPILE', true );

    … but this does not seem to change the behavior. I have also tried this parameter…

    define( 'WP_LESS_COMPILATION', 'always' );

    … but, again, no changes. The only way I can force a recompilation is by directly modifying an enqueued file.

    Any ideas what could be the problem or what I could investigate next? Aside from this issue, I’m so far loving this plugin!


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