• I want the plugin to recognize the “more” tag in the same way that the WordPress homepage does, only showing the post content before the “more” tag. I have not managed to figure out how to do this, even though I have been looking through the usage document. Is there way to do this?

    I’m trying replicate the look of a pretty standard homepage, with the excerpt coming from the post (from the start of the post to the more tag), and with a thumbnail left aligned.

    Here is the shortcodes I’m using:
    [catlist id=1 orderby=ID order=ASC numberposts=0 excerpt=yes excerpt_strip=no excerpt_overwrite=yes excerpt_size=40 content=no thumbnail=yes thumbnail_size=thumbnail thumbnail_class=lcp_thumbnail posts_morelink="More info & buy tickets" post_type=post posts_morelink_class=lcp_posts_morelink catlink_class=eventlist]


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