Thank you brother,
I have added support for skype call.
You can add this code to your ‘wp-team-manager.php’ before Email array:
'name' => __('Skype','wp-team-manager'), // field name
'desc' => __('Skype Id','wp-team-manager'), // field description, optional
'id' => $prefix . 'skypeid', // field id, i.e. the meta key
'type' => 'text', // text box
'std' => '' // default value, optional
And add this line to ‘shortcode-generator.php’ at ‘// The Loop’ section:
$skypeid = get_post_meta($post_id,'tm_skypeid',true);
And this at 2 sections:
if (!empty($skypeid)) {
echo '<li><a class="skypeid-'.$social_size.'" href="skype:' . $skypeid. '?call" title="Skype">Skype</a></li>';
if (!empty($emailid)) {
echo '
<li><a href="mailto:' . $emailid. '" title="Email">Email</a></li>
Also add this to ‘tm-style.css’ at “32” section: li a.skypeid-32 {
background: url('../img/social/32/32-skype.png');
And this for at “16” section: li a.skypeid-16 {
background: url('../img/social/16/16-skype.png');
Images for Skype Icon
Skype 32px icon
Skype 16px icon