Recirect WordPress Bitnami
I am migrated my version of Bitnami WordPress Apache on AWS to a new instance with WordPress 6.5.4. I loaded the server, configured the Letsencrypt certificate and restored the backup. Okay, the blog works fine.
I use CloudFront, in Origins with a reference of Origin name my-blog to Origin Domain
And my Origin settings are: https only, TLS v1.2, in Add custom header – optional, I have it configured header name referer and value blogMyadmin
My problem now is to make a redirect so that every time I access my blog through the page it is automatically redirected to
I made the configuration in the wordpress-htaccess.conf, wp-config.php and wordpress-https-vhost.conf files, and at first the blog was redirected, but and returning error 404
Any suggestion?
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