Recently viewed products not showing
Hi there!
I am having trouble displaying recently viewed products with the widget on the store page and archive pages. I have ESI enabled, which is set to private for recently viewed products. However, the recently viewed products are not being displayed. If I enter the store URL under URL excluded from cache, they are of course displayed, but this excludes the entire store page and archive pages from caching. If I enter the cookie woocommerce_recently_viewed under excluded, the pages are cached only until I click on the first product. The last viewed product does appear, but since the cookie is present on all pages, this also excludes the homepage and other pages from caching. I suspect that it might be related to Quic Cloud and therefore I kindly ask for your help.
…I am using Divi
Report number: CSXPXQSQ
Report date:?11/03/2024 09:03:00
With kind regards
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
where is the recent view section ?
also I don’t get the recent view cookie in my browser, this is weird
don’t think it could be related to QC CDN, how does it behavior if you just disable/bypass QC CDN ?
Hi there!
Recent views are in the left column, under the divider below the price filter in the link I provided in the first post.
Disable/bypass QC CDN doesn’t make any changes.
But the whole thing got even weirder!?
1. Yesterday I had ESI set for the Recent viewed product widget to Private and TTL 0. Today, ESI is Disabled and TTL 28800. If I change it back to Private and TTL 0, save it, and refresh the page, ESI is back to disabled and TTL 28800?!?. Can’t make any changes.
2. For testing purposes, I had this widget on the spare tire page. ( I have put the full URL under excluded (Do Not Cache URIs – /spare-tire/). Yesterday, this page was displaying the most recently viewed products normally, but today it is not, even though the entire URL is excluded from the cache.
for 1, sounds like a bug , is that block widget ? or classic widget ?
for 2, please verify the http response header, make sure you see
x-litespeed-cache-control: no-ca
cheUpdate: The issues under “But the whole thing got even weirder!” are now fixed. ESI is back to private and TTL 0. The test page is now also uncached and recent views are now visible.
However, the main problem still remains
As I said in the last post, I still have a problem with displaying the last viewed products. ESI is set to private, but recently viewed products are not being displayed. If I enter the store URL under URL excluded from cache, they are displayed, but this excludes the entire store page and archive pages from caching. If I enter the cookie woocommerce_recently_viewed under excluded, the pages are cached only until I click on the first product. The last viewed product does appear, but since the cookie is present on all pages, this also excludes the homepage and other pages from caching. Disable/bypass Quic Cloud CDN didn’t help either. So I’m kindly asking for your help again
okay , please try this
remove all these no-cache and exclude setting
go to Toolbox -> debug setting -> debug log to ON , debug level to advanced, debug include URI, add
go to toolbox -> log view , clean up any existing logs
open your page, as
now go back to log view again , copy paste generated log , share it via txt file or
I have removed all no-cache and exclusions. Debug settings and URI included as you specified.
- The first debug log is with the logged in admin user (this is probably not the right one, because I have disabled cache for logged in users)
- The second debug log is in incognito mode. Before that I cleared the entire cache. In this case, the last viewed products were shown. However, only on the spare tire page and with a 30 second delay. They did not appear on the shop page.
- The debug log is the same in incognito mode. However, I did not clear the cache before that. I selected the same products as in the 2nd debug log + one additional one. In this case, only the additionally checked product was among the last viewed products.
- The debug is also in incognito and with an uncleaned cache. All products were selected, as in the 2nd debug log, and without the additional one that was selected in the 3rd test. However, only the product from the 3rd debug log was visible, although it was not selected in this test.
I am attaching the debug logs below.
- The first debug log is with the logged in admin user (this is probably not the right one, because I have disabled cache for logged in users)
Debug Log
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /spare-tire/
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Query String: test
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Apple…
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Accept Encoding: br,gzip
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Cookie lscache_vary: 492c5d94652aac0d52f59d5c9ab7445c 11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] X-LSCACHE: true 11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp 11/05/24 19:40:00.722 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 11/05/24 19:40:01.892 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.894 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wp_rest 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _vcnonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] data-vc-public-nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] rating_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] timeline_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] blog_feed_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wsf_post 11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd-.* 11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpmenucart
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] acf_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_form_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_submission_.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] woocommerce-login
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] pa-blog-widget-nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpuf.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] form_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] tgmpa-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] bulk-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpda-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.903 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:01.905 [ 1 wJa] [Media] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.909 [ 1 wJa] ?? Suppress default WP lazyload
11/05/24 19:40:01.911 [ 1 wJa] [Avatar] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.912 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.915 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.921 [ 1 wJa] [CDN] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.922 [ 1 wJa] ? Init
11/05/24 19:40:01.923 [ 1 wJa] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/05/24 19:40:01.925 [ 1 wJa] [GUI] init
11/05/24 19:40:02.258 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et-pb-contact-form-submit
11/05/24 19:40:02.259 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_frontend_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:02.259 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_ab_log_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:02.456 [ 1 wJa] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200
11/05/24 19:40:02.457 [ 1 wJa] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:40:05.619 [ 1 wJa] ? calling default template
11/05/24 19:40:05.729 [ 1 wJa] [Tool] Deregistered frontend heartbeat
11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] param --- array (
'action' => 'et_frontend_nonce',
'ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldF9mcm9udGVuZF9ub25jZSIsIl9sc19zaWxlbmNlIjp0cnVlfQ== 11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et_frontend_nonce [Control] 11/05/24 19:40:05.825 [ 1 wJa] ? 11/05/24 19:40:05.825 [ 1 wJa] ? Preserved to 297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20 11/05/24 19:40:06.208 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-480x624.jpg 11/05/24 19:40:06.209 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-480x624.jpg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.212 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg 11/05/24 19:40:06.212 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-480x624.jpg 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-480x624.jpg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.216 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-480x624.jpg 11/05/24 19:40:06.216 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-480x624.jpg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] param --- array ( 'action' => 'et-pb-contact-form-submit', '_ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldC1wYi1jb250YWN0LWZvcm0tc3VibWl0IiwiX2xzX3NpbGVuY2UiOnRydWV9 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et-pb-contact-form-submit [Control] 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? Preserved to a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8 11/05/24 19:40:06.535 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer hook called 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer check passed 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.550 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] set_cookie ---> guest_mode:1 11/05/24 19:40:06.550 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] no custimzed vary 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer check passed
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? finalize
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] external
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-600x720.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-600x720.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-480x624.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] already webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP.
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.594 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.594 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found: https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload image exclude https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload image exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/2-2-600x720.jpg [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda_1-600x720.jpg [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/1-3-600x720.jpg [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.602 [ 1 wJa] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/05/24 19:40:06.602 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] start
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Data] load url file: https://www.mydomain/spare-tire
11/05/24 19:40:06.604 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] existing ccss /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/litespeed/ccss/6c6291a632113908df803c92570fc769.css
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 19:40:06.606 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] parse_css bypassed exclude /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.606 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - Connected 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.621 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/fullmain.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.642 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.645 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.695 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.696 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/css/magnific_popup.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.697 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.698 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/public/css/animate.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.709 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.709 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-layout.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.711 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.711 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-smallscreen.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.712 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.712 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.724 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/hint/hint.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.725 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/css/custom-theme.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.727 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.727 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/css/fonts.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg#woofc 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.730 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.742 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/icons.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg?evqdm8#woosc 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.746 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-plus/styles/style.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.747 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.795 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/styles/style.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.816 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.817 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/cache/sn_dtb-style-8175389.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.819 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.820 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lib/slick/slick.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.820 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.821 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/vendor/plyr.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.825 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.826 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/main.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.832 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/style-static.min.css 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg#ETmodules 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load Remote [css] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css?ver=4.27.2 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 19:40:07.038 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/blocks/wc-blocks.css 11/05/24 19:40:07.042 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] js defer exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.099 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.099 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.101 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.101 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.102 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.102 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] js defer exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/js/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js?ver=5.8.1 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.106 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.106 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.107 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.108 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.108 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.109 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.113 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.114 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.116 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/dist/hooks.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.117 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/jquery-blockui/jquery.blockUI.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.118 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/js-cookie/js.cookie.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.119 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/woocommerce.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.119 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/assets/js/magnific-popups.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.123 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/add-to-cart.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.124 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/cart-fragments.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.124 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/libs/print/jQuery.print.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.126 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/libs/table-head-fixer/table-head-fixer.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.127 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.130 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/mouse.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.131 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/sortable.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.133 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/scripts.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.214 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/smoothscroll.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.215 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-plus/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.219 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.220 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/divi/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.221 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/sourcebuster/sourcebuster.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.224 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/order-attribution.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.225 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/js/common.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.226 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/assets/js/toolbox-scripts.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.232 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/underscore.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.236 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/wp-util.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.237 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.239 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-core.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.296 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/slick/slick.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.301 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/vendor/plyr.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.314 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/main.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Optmer] Saved static file [path] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/litespeed/js/793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Optmer] Save URL to file for [file_type] js [file] 793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494 [vary] guest_mode:1+webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.323 [ 1 wJa] ?? [Tag] Add --- MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.324 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] Inline JS defer vars --- litespeed_var_0="297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20" 11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] replacing preserved blocks --- array ( 0 => '297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20', 1 => 'a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8', ) 11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] Response headers --- array ( 0 => 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on', 1 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', 2 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/wp-json/; rel=""', 3 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/34325; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json"', 4 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/?p=34325; rel=shortlink', 6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on', 7 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5,8c5_MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js',
11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] End response
--------------------------------------------------Duration: 6,622.51 ms------------------------------
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - Connected2. The second debug log is in incognito mode. Before that I cleared the entire cache. In this case, the last viewed products were shown. However, only on the spare tire page and with a 30 second delay. They did not appear on the store page.
Debug Log
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:14 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:15 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:17 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:43 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:51 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:52 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:38:54 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:57 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:38:58 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:14 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:19 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:27 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:35 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:39 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:39:42 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:44 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:52 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:39:55 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:00 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /spare-tire/
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Query String: test
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Apple…
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Accept Encoding: br,gzip
11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] Cookie lscache_vary: 492c5d94652aac0d52f59d5c9ab7445c 11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] X-LSCACHE: true 11/05/24 19:40:00.713 [ 1 wJa] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp 11/05/24 19:40:00.722 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 11/05/24 19:40:01.892 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.894 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wp_rest 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.895 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.896 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _vcnonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.897 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] data-vc-public-nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] rating_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] timeline_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] blog_feed_nonce 11/05/24 19:40:01.898 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wsf_post 11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd-.* 11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.899 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpmenucart
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] acf_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_form_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_submission_.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.900 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] woocommerce-login
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] pa-blog-widget-nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpuf.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.901 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] form_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] tgmpa-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] bulk-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.902 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpda-.*
11/05/24 19:40:01.903 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:01.905 [ 1 wJa] [Media] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.909 [ 1 wJa] ?? Suppress default WP lazyload
11/05/24 19:40:01.911 [ 1 wJa] [Avatar] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.912 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.915 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.921 [ 1 wJa] [CDN] init
11/05/24 19:40:01.922 [ 1 wJa] ? Init
11/05/24 19:40:01.923 [ 1 wJa] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/05/24 19:40:01.925 [ 1 wJa] [GUI] init
11/05/24 19:40:02.258 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et-pb-contact-form-submit
11/05/24 19:40:02.259 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_frontend_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:02.259 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_ab_log_nonce
11/05/24 19:40:02.456 [ 1 wJa] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200
11/05/24 19:40:02.457 [ 1 wJa] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:02 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:40:05.619 [ 1 wJa] ? calling default template
11/05/24 19:40:05.729 [ 1 wJa] [Tool] Deregistered frontend heartbeat
11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] param --- array (
'action' => 'et_frontend_nonce',
'ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldF9mcm9udGVuZF9ub25jZSIsIl9sc19zaWxlbmNlIjp0cnVlfQ== 11/05/24 19:40:05.824 [ 1 wJa] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et_frontend_nonce [Control] 11/05/24 19:40:05.825 [ 1 wJa] ? 11/05/24 19:40:05.825 [ 1 wJa] ? Preserved to 297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20 11/05/24 19:40:06.208 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.209 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: 11/05/24 19:40:06.212 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.212 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.213 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: 11/05/24 19:40:06.216 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.216 [ 1 wJa] [Media] - replaced to: 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] param --- array ( 'action' => 'et-pb-contact-form-submit', '_ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldC1wYi1jb250YWN0LWZvcm0tc3VibWl0IiwiX2xzX3NpbGVuY2UiOnRydWV9 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et-pb-contact-form-submit [Control] 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? 11/05/24 19:40:06.532 [ 1 wJa] ? Preserved to a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8 11/05/24 19:40:06.535 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer hook called 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer check passed 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.548 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.550 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] set_cookie ---> guest_mode:1 11/05/24 19:40:06.550 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] no custimzed vary 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Core] Footer check passed
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
11/05/24 19:40:06.551 [ 1 wJa] ?? finalize
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] external
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.552 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.553 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] already webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP.
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.554 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.594 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.594 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:,wght.woff2
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/,wght.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.595 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.598 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/05/24 19:40:06.599 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found:
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload image exclude
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found:
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found:
11/05/24 19:40:06.600 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found:
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload found:
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [Media] lazyload image exclude
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:40:06.601 [ 1 wJa] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:40:06.602 [ 1 wJa] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/05/24 19:40:06.602 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] start
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:40:06.603 [ 1 wJa] [Data] load url file:
11/05/24 19:40:06.604 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] existing ccss /home/user00/
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 19:40:06.606 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] parse_css bypassed exclude /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/05/24 19:40:06.606 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 18:40:06 - OC - Connected 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.610 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.611 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.619 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.620 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.621 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.642 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.643 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.644 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.645 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.695 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.696 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.697 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.698 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.709 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.709 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.711 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.711 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.712 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.712 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.720 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.721 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.722 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.723 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.724 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.725 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.726 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.727 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.727 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot 11/05/24 19:40:06.728 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg#woofc 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.729 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.730 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.742 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.743 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.744 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg?evqdm8#woosc 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.745 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.746 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.747 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.795 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.816 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.817 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.819 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.820 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.820 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.821 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.825 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.826 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:06.831 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:06.832 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.030 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg#ETmodules 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.031 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.032 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.033 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff 11/05/24 19:40:07.034 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.035 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load Remote [css] 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.037 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.038 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing:,wght.woff2 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/,wght.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.039 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.041 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.042 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.044 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.045 [ 1 wJa] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] js defer exclude 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.098 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.099 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.099 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.100 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.101 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.101 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.102 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.102 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.103 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] js defer exclude 11/05/24 19:40:07.104 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.105 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.106 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.106 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.107 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.108 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.108 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.109 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.110 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.113 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:40:07.114 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.116 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.117 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.118 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.119 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.119 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.123 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.124 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.124 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.126 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.127 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.130 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.131 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.133 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.214 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.215 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.219 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.220 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.221 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.224 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.225 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.226 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.232 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.236 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.237 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.239 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.296 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.301 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.314 [ 1 wJa] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Optmer] Saved static file [path] /home/user00/ 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:40:07.321 [ 1 wJa] [Optmer] Save URL to file for [file_type] js [file] 793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494 [vary] guest_mode:1+webp 11/05/24 19:40:07.323 [ 1 wJa] ?? [Tag] Add --- MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js 11/05/24 19:40:07.324 [ 1 wJa] [Optm] Inline JS defer vars --- litespeed_var_0="297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20" 11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] [ESI] replacing preserved blocks --- array ( 0 => '297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20', 1 => 'a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8', ) 11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] Response headers --- array ( 0 => 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on', 1 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', 2 => 'Link:; rel=""', 3 => 'Link:; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json"', 4 => 'Link:; rel=shortlink', 6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on', 7 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5,8c5_MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js',
11/05/24 19:40:07.330 [ 1 wJa] End response
--------------------------------------------------Duration: 6,622.51 ms------------------------------
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:08 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:09 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:40:32 - OC - Connected3. Third debug log is also in incognito mode. However, I did not clear the cache before that. I selected the same products as in the 2nd debug log + one additional one. In this case, only the additionally checked product was among the last viewed products.
Debug Log
11/05/24 18:46:54 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:46:54 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:46:54 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:46:59 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:46:59 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:46:59 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:46:59 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:06 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:06 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:06 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:07 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:07 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:07 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:12 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:12 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:12 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:24 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:24 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:24 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:25 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:25 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:25 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:47:25 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:28 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:28 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:28 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:47:29 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:31 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:31 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:31 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:32 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:32 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:32 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:33 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:33 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:33 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:47:33 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:36 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:36 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:36 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:38 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:38 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:38 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:47:38 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:47:39 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:39 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:39 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:45 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:45 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:45 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:48 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:48 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:48 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:49 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:53 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:53 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:53 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:55 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:47:55 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:47:55 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:48:02 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:48:02 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:48:02 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /spare-tire/
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] Query String: test
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Apple…
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] Accept Encoding: br,gzip
11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] Cookie lscache_vary: 492c5d94652aac0d52f59d5c9ab7445c 11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] X-LSCACHE: true 11/05/24 19:48:03.137 [ 1 3YA] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp 11/05/24 19:48:03.142 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wp_rest 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _vcnonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] data-vc-public-nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] rating_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] timeline_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.092 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] blog_feed_nonce 11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wsf_post 11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd-.* 11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpmenucart
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] acf_nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_form_nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_submission_.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] woocommerce-login
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] pa-blog-widget-nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpuf.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] form_nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] tgmpa-.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] bulk-.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpda-.*
11/05/24 19:48:04.093 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:48:04.095 [ 1 3YA] [Media] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.096 [ 1 3YA] ?? Suppress default WP lazyload
11/05/24 19:48:04.096 [ 1 3YA] [Avatar] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.097 [ 1 3YA] [LQIP] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.098 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.100 [ 1 3YA] [CDN] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.101 [ 1 3YA] ? Init
11/05/24 19:48:04.101 [ 1 3YA] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/05/24 19:48:04.102 [ 1 3YA] [GUI] init
11/05/24 19:48:04.297 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et-pb-contact-form-submit
11/05/24 19:48:04.298 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_frontend_nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.298 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_ab_log_nonce
11/05/24 19:48:04.314 [ 1 3YA] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200
11/05/24 19:48:04.315 [ 1 3YA] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/05/24 19:48:05.224 [ 1 3YA] ? calling default template
11/05/24 19:48:05.289 [ 1 3YA] [Tool] Deregistered frontend heartbeat
11/05/24 19:48:05.310 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] param --- array (
'action' => 'et_frontend_nonce',
'ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:48:05.310 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldF9mcm9udGVuZF9ub25jZSIsIl9sc19zaWxlbmNlIjp0cnVlfQ== 11/05/24 19:48:05.311 [ 1 3YA] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et_frontend_nonce [Control] 11/05/24 19:48:05.311 [ 1 3YA] ? 11/05/24 19:48:05.311 [ 1 3YA] ? Preserved to 297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20 11/05/24 19:48:05.441 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-480x624.jpg 11/05/24 19:48:05.441 [ 1 3YA] [Media] - replaced to: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-480x624.jpg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.670 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] param --- array ( 'action' => 'et-pb-contact-form-submit', '_ls_silence' => true, ) 11/05/24 19:48:05.671 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldC1wYi1jb250YWN0LWZvcm0tc3VibWl0IiwiX2xzX3NpbGVuY2UiOnRydWV9 11/05/24 19:48:05.671 [ 1 3YA] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et-pb-contact-form-submit [Control] 11/05/24 19:48:05.671 [ 1 3YA] ? 11/05/24 19:48:05.671 [ 1 3YA] ? Preserved to a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8 11/05/24 19:48:05.673 [ 1 3YA] [Core] Footer hook called 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Core] Footer check passed 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.686 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] set_cookie ---> guest_mode:1 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] no custimzed vary 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:48:05.688 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Core] Footer check passed
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] ?? finalize
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Util] external
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-600x720.jpg.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.689 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP.
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.690 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing:
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.691 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp
11/05/24 19:48:05.692 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [Media] lazyload found: https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [Media] lazyload image exclude https://mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-600x720.jpg
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [Media] lazyload found: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [Media] lazyload image exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Logo.svg
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [LQIP] Resp LQIP process [src] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/dusna-koda-600x720.jpg [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [LQIP] file exists
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] [LQIP] Use resp LQIP [size] 600x720
11/05/24 19:48:05.693 [ 1 3YA] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/05/24 19:48:05.694 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] start
11/05/24 19:48:05.695 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:48:05.695 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/05/24 19:48:05.695 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:48:05.695 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:48:05.695 [ 1 3YA] [Data] load url file: https://www.mydomain/spare-tire
11/05/24 19:48:05.696 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] existing ccss /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/litespeed/ccss/6c6291a632113908df803c92570fc769.css
11/05/24 19:48:05.698 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] parse_css bypassed exclude /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.698 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.700 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/css/font-awesome.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.708 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.709 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0 11/05/24 19:48:05.709 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.709 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.709 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/fullmain.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.729 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.730 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.731 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.731 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.731 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.731 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.732 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.733 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.733 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/assets/css/magnific_popup.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.735 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.735 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/public/css/animate.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.746 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.746 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-layout.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.748 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.748 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-smallscreen.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.749 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.749 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.756 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.757 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.758 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.758 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.758 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.758 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.759 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.759 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.759 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.759 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.760 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.760 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.760 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.761 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.761 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.761 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.762 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.762 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.762 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.763 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.763 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.763 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.764 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.764 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.764 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.765 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.765 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.765 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.766 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.766 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.766 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.766 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.767 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.767 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.767 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.768 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.768 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.768 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.768 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.770 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.770 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/hint/hint.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.772 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.773 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/css/perfect-scrollbar.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.773 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.774 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/css/custom-theme.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.775 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.775 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/css/fonts.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.776 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.776 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg#woofc 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.777 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.778 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.791 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.792 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.792 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: 11/05/24 19:48:05.793 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.793 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/icons.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.795 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff?evqdm8 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.796 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg?evqdm8#woosc 11/05/24 19:48:05.797 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.797 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.797 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-plus/styles/style.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.799 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.800 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/styles/style.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.820 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.821 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/cache/sn_dtb-style-8175389.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.824 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.824 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lib/slick/slick.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.825 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.825 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/vendor/plyr.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.830 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.831 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/main.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/05/24 19:48:05.836 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.837 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/style-static.min.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.921 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.921 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.922 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg#ETmodules 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.923 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.924 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.925 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot?#iefix 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.926 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg#fontawesome 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.927 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.929 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.929 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load Remote [css] https://www.mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css?ver=4.27.2 11/05/24 19:48:05.930 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.930 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Susie%20Nativa/style.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.931 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.931 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.931 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.932 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.932 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.932 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.932 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/cardo_normal_400.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.932 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.934 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.934 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg 11/05/24 19:48:05.934 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/Favicon.svg.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.934 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.934 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/client/blocks/wc-blocks.css 11/05/24 19:48:05.936 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.937 [ 1 3YA] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/05/24 19:48:05.937 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Roboto.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.938 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2 11/05/24 19:48:05.939 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Poppins.woff2.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.939 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.939 [ 1 3YA] [Media] webp replacing: https://www.mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf 11/05/24 19:48:05.939 [ 1 3YA] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/uploads/et-fonts/Susie-Nativa.ttf.webp 11/05/24 19:48:05.939 [ 1 3YA] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/05/24 19:48:05.942 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.942 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] js defer exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js?ver=3.7.1 11/05/24 19:48:05.942 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.943 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.943 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.944 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.944 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.945 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.945 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.946 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.946 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.947 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.947 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.948 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.948 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.949 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.949 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.949 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] js defer exclude https://www.mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/perfect-scrollbar/js/perfect-scrollbar.jquery.min.js?ver=5.8.1 11/05/24 19:48:05.950 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.950 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.951 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.951 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.952 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.952 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.953 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.953 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.954 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.955 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.955 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.955 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.956 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.959 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/05/24 19:48:05.959 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery-migrate.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.961 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/dist/hooks.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:05.962 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/jquery-blockui/jquery.blockUI.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.001 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/js-cookie/js.cookie.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.002 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/woocommerce.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.003 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/assets/js/magnific-popups.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.006 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/add-to-cart.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.007 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/cart-fragments.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.008 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/libs/print/jQuery.print.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.009 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/libs/table-head-fixer/table-head-fixer.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.010 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/core.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.013 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/mouse.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.013 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/sortable.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.016 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/scripts.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.049 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/smoothscroll.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.051 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-plus/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.054 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/supreme-modules-for-divi/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.055 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/divi/scripts/frontend-bundle.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.055 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/sourcebuster/sourcebuster.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.058 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/order-attribution.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.058 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/js/common.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.059 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/divi-toolbox/assets/js/toolbox-scripts.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.063 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/underscore.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.065 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-includes/js/wp-util.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.066 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-lightbox.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.067 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/photoswipe/photoswipe-core.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.072 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/lib/slick/slick.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.077 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/vendor/plyr.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.088 [ 1 3YA] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/mydomain/wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/js/main.min.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.097 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:06.097 [ 1 3YA] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/05/24 19:48:06.097 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:06.097 [ 1 3YA] [Router] get_role: 11/05/24 19:48:06.097 [ 1 3YA] [Optmer] Save URL to file for [file_type] js [file] 793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494 [vary] guest_mode:1+webp 11/05/24 19:48:06.099 [ 1 3YA] ?? [Tag] Add --- MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js 11/05/24 19:48:06.100 [ 1 3YA] [Optm] Inline JS defer vars --- litespeed_var_0="297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20" 11/05/24 19:48:06.104 [ 1 3YA] [ESI] replacing preserved blocks --- array ( 0 => '297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20', 1 => 'a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8', ) 11/05/24 19:48:06.104 [ 1 3YA] Response headers --- array ( 0 => 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on', 1 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', 2 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/wp-json/; rel=""', 3 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/wp-json/wp/v2/pages/34325; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json"', 4 => 'Link: https://www.mydomain/?p=34325; rel=shortlink', 6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on', 7 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5,8c5_MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js',
11/05/24 19:48:06.105 [ 1 3YA] End response
--------------------------------------------------Duration: 2,971.63 ms------------------------------
11/05/24 18:48:08 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:48:08 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:48:08 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:15 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:15 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:49:15 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:49:15 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:49:16 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:16 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:49:16 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:49:16 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:49:18 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:18 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:49:18 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:26 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:49:26 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:49:26 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection4. Last debug log is also in incognito and with an uncleaned cache. All products were selected, as in the 2nd debug log, and without the additional one that was selected in the 3rd test. However, only the product from the 3rd debug log was visible, although it was not selected in this test.
Debug Log
11/05/24 18:53:22 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:22 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:22 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:27 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:27 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:27 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:35 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:35 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:35 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:36 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:36 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:36 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:36 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:41 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:41 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:41 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:42 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:42 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:42 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:44 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:44 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:44 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:45 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:47 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:47 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:47 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:48 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:49 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:51 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:53 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:53 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:53 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:53:53 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:53:58 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:53:58 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:53:58 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /spare-tire
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] Query String: test
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Apple…
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] Accept Encoding: br,gzip
11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] Cookie lscache_vary: 492c5d94652aac0d52f59d5c9ab7445c 11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] X-LSCACHE: true 11/05/24 19:54:00.396 [ 1 6PZ] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp 11/05/24 19:54:00.402 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 11/05/24 18:54:03 - OC - Init Memcached connection 11/05/24 18:54:03 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211 11/05/24 18:54:03 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection 11/05/24 19:54:07.517 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.517 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.517 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wp_rest 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.518 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary 11/05/24 19:54:07.519 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary 11/05/24 19:54:07.519 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 11/05/24 19:54:07.519 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _vcnonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.519 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] data-vc-public-nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.519 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] rating_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.594 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] timeline_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.595 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] blog_feed_nonce 11/05/24 19:54:07.595 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wsf_post 11/05/24 19:54:07.595 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd-.* 11/05/24 19:54:07.595 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpmenucart
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] acf_nonce
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_form_nonce
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_submission_.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] woocommerce-login
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] pa-blog-widget-nonce
11/05/24 19:54:07.596 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpuf.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.597 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] form_nonce
11/05/24 19:54:07.597 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] tgmpa-.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.597 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] bulk-.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.597 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpda-.*
11/05/24 19:54:07.597 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:07.600 [ 1 6PZ] [Media] init
11/05/24 19:54:07.601 [ 1 6PZ] ?? Suppress default WP lazyload
11/05/24 19:54:07.601 [ 1 6PZ] [Avatar] init
11/05/24 19:54:07.602 [ 1 6PZ] [LQIP] init
11/05/24 19:54:07.604 [ 1 6PZ] [Optm] init
11/05/24 19:54:07.605 [ 1 6PZ] [CDN] init
11/05/24 19:54:07.606 [ 1 6PZ] ? Init
11/05/24 19:54:07.606 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/05/24 19:54:07.608 [ 1 6PZ] [GUI] init
11/05/24 19:54:08.497 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et-pb-contact-form-submit
11/05/24 19:54:08.497 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_frontend_nonce
11/05/24 19:54:08.497 [ 1 6PZ] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_ab_log_nonce
11/05/24 19:54:08.515 [ 1 6PZ] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200
11/05/24 19:54:08.515 [ 1 6PZ] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? 301 from
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? 301 to
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? Compare [from] https [to] https
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? Compare [from] [to]
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? Compare [from] /spare-tire [to] /spare-tire/
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? 301 different redirection
11/05/24 19:54:11.808 [ 1 6PZ] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.301
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.809 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Vary] set_cookie ---> guest_mode:1
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Vary] no custimzed vary
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] [Router] get_role:
11/05/24 19:54:11.811 [ 1 6PZ] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_HTTP.301,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5_
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] [Core] CHK html bypass: miss footer const
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] [Media] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] [Optm] bypass: Not frontend HTML type
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] Response headers --- array (
0 => 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on',
1 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8',
2 => 'X-Redirect-By: WordPress',
3 => 'Location:',
5 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800',
6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_HTTP.301,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5_',
11/05/24 19:54:11.812 [ 1 6PZ] End response
--------------------------------------------------Duration: 11,504.47 ms------------------------------
11/05/24 18:54:12 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:54:12 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:54:12 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:55:22 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:55:22 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:55:22 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:55:22 - OC - Connected
11/05/24 18:55:24 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/05/24 18:55:24 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/05/24 18:55:24 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/05/24 18:55:24 - OC - ConnectedI attached the debug logs two days ago. I still have a problem with displaying the last viewed products and would therefore kindly ask for help. I have this problem on several online stores and it is driving me crazy.
the los only shows one esi nonce , not showing anything about widget
was it block widget or classic widget ? I will try on my test site.
I’m using classic widget
it looks like the widget esi option is broken somehow , I will ask our dev to chekc and fix
a temp solution , you can go to Cache -> Advanced -> Vary cookie , add
into field , save and purge allUnfortunately, even the temporary solution doesn’t help. Occasionally, the last viewed products appear on the test page /spare-tire/, but not all of them and completely randomly. They never appear on the shop page, even though the same widget is used. I’m attaching the Debug log below.
Debug Log
11/07/24 15:47:21 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:21 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:21 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:22 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:22 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:22 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:24 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:24 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:24 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:25 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:25 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:25 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:27 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:27 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:27 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:31 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:31 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:31 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:36 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:36 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:36 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:38 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:38 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:38 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/07/24 15:47:42 - OC - Connected
11/07/24 15:47:44 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:44 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:44 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/07/24 15:47:44 - OC - Connected
11/07/24 15:47:45 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:45 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:45 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/07/24 15:47:45 - OC - Connected
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:52 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:54 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:54 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:54 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/07/24 15:47:54 - OC - Connected
11/07/24 15:47:56 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:47:56 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:47:56 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:02 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:08 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:08 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:08 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:13 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:13 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:13 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] ?? ------GET HTTP/1.1 (HTTPS) /spare-tire/
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] Query String: test
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) Apple…
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,/;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] Accept Encoding: br,gzip
11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] Cookie lscache_vary: 492c5d94652aac0d52f59d5c9ab7445c 11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] X-LSCACHE: true 11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] LSCACHE_VARY_COOKIE: woocommerce_recently_viewed 11/07/24 16:48:13.999 [ 1 DoT] LSCACHE_VARY_VALUE: +webp 11/07/24 16:48:14.003 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Overwrite wp_create_nonce() 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] stats_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] subscribe_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wp_rest 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] cmreg_registration_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] role_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.876 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdap-call-nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] seopress_cookies_user_consent_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] swpmtxnonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_primary 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _tec_view_rest_nonce_secondary 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wdt.* 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] _vcnonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] data-vc-public-nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] rating_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] timeline_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] blog_feed_nonce 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wsf_post 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd-.* 11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] edd.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpmenucart
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] acf_nonce
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_form_nonce
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] af_submission_.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] woocommerce-login
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] pa-blog-widget-nonce
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpuf.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] form_nonce
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] tgmpa-.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.877 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] bulk-.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.878 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] wpda-.*
11/07/24 16:48:14.878 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role:
11/07/24 16:48:14.879 [ 1 DoT] [Media] init
11/07/24 16:48:14.880 [ 1 DoT] ?? Suppress default WP lazyload
11/07/24 16:48:14.880 [ 1 DoT] [Avatar] init
11/07/24 16:48:14.881 [ 1 DoT] [LQIP] init
11/07/24 16:48:14.883 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] init
11/07/24 16:48:14.884 [ 1 DoT] [CDN] init
11/07/24 16:48:14.884 [ 1 DoT] ? Init
11/07/24 16:48:14.885 [ 1 DoT] [Router] LSCWP_CTRL bypassed empty
11/07/24 16:48:14.886 [ 1 DoT] [GUI] init
11/07/24 16:48:15.086 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et-pb-contact-form-submit
11/07/24 16:48:15.086 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_frontend_nonce
11/07/24 16:48:15.086 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] Appended nonce action to nonce list [action] et_ab_log_nonce
11/07/24 16:48:15.101 [ 1 DoT] ?? [Tag] Add --- HTTP.200
11/07/24 16:48:15.101 [ 1 DoT] [Ctrl] X Cache_control init on
11/07/24 16:48:16.043 [ 1 DoT] ? calling default template
11/07/24 16:48:16.113 [ 1 DoT] [Tool] Deregistered frontend heartbeat
11/07/24 16:48:16.135 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] param --- array (
'action' => 'et_frontend_nonce',
'ls_silence' => true, ) 11/07/24 16:48:16.135 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldF9mcm9udGVuZF9ub25jZSIsIl9sc19zaWxlbmNlIjp0cnVlfQ== 11/07/24 16:48:16.135 [ 1 DoT] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et_frontend_nonce [Control] 11/07/24 16:48:16.135 [ 1 DoT] ? 11/07/24 16:48:16.135 [ 1 DoT] ? Preserved to 297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20 11/07/24 16:48:16.530 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] param --- array ( 'action' => 'et-pb-contact-form-submit', '_ls_silence' => true, ) 11/07/24 16:48:16.530 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] md5_string=nonceeyJhY3Rpb24iOiJldC1wYi1jb250YWN0LWZvcm0tc3VibWl0IiwiX2xzX3NpbGVuY2UiOnRydWV9 11/07/24 16:48:16.531 [ 1 DoT] ? ?? [BLock_ID] nonce [wrapper] wp_create_nonce et-pb-contact-form-submit [Control] 11/07/24 16:48:16.531 [ 1 DoT] ? 11/07/24 16:48:16.531 [ 1 DoT] ? Preserved to a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8 11/07/24 16:48:16.534 [ 1 DoT] [Core] Footer hook called 11/07/24 16:48:16.547 [ 1 DoT] [Core] Footer check passed 11/07/24 16:48:16.548 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.548 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.548 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/07/24 16:48:16.548 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.548 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.550 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] set_cookie ---> guest_mode:1 11/07/24 16:48:16.551 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] no custimzed vary 11/07/24 16:48:16.551 [ 1 DoT] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on 11/07/24 16:48:16.551 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.551 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/07/24 16:48:16.551 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] ?? X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Core] Footer check passed
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Core] run hook litespeed_buffer_finalize
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] ?? finalize
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.src
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.552 [ 1 DoT] [Util] external
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.553 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute img.retina_logo_url
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] buffer_webp attribute video.poster
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP.
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.554 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:,wght.woff2
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/,wght.woff2.webp
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.555 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.556 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.557 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed
11/07/24 16:48:16.558 [ 1 DoT] [Media] lazyload found:
11/07/24 16:48:16.558 [ 1 DoT] [Media] lazyload image exclude
11/07/24 16:48:16.558 [ 1 DoT] [Media] lazyload found:
11/07/24 16:48:16.558 [ 1 DoT] [Media] lazyload image exclude
11/07/24 16:48:16.559 [ 1 DoT] GUI bypassed by no counter
11/07/24 16:48:16.559 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] start
11/07/24 16:48:16.560 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role:
11/07/24 16:48:16.560 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] role id: failed, guest
11/07/24 16:48:16.560 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role:
11/07/24 16:48:16.560 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role:
11/07/24 16:48:16.560 [ 1 DoT] [Data] load url file:
11/07/24 16:48:16.562 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] existing ccss /home/user00/
11/07/24 16:48:16.563 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] parse_css bypassed exclude /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/css/frontend.css 11/07/24 16:48:16.564 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.567 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.567 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.568 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/berocket/assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.576 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.577 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_444444_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_555555_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.598 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777620_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/images/ui-icons_777777_256x240.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-ajax-filters/assets/frontend/css/mCSB_buttons.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.599 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.600 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.602 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.602 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.604 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.604 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.615 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.615 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.617 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.617 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.618 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.618 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.625 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.625 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/fonts/WooCommerce.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.626 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/loader.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/visa.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/mastercard.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/laser.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/diners.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/maestro.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.627 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/jcb.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/amex.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/images/icons/credit-cards/discover.svg 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.628 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.629 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.630 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.630 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.631 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.631 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.632 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.632 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.eot#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.633 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-fly-cart-premium/assets/fonts/woofc.svg#woofc 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.634 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.646 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.647 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.647 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.647 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.647 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.648 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.648 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8 11/07/24 16:48:16.648 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.648 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.eot?evqdm8#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.ttf?evqdm8 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.woff?evqdm8 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/woo-smart-compare-premium/assets/fonts/woosc.svg?evqdm8#woosc 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.649 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.650 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.651 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.671 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.672 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.675 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.675 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.675 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.676 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.680 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.681 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.686 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.686 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/loading.gif 11/07/24 16:48:16.686 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.687 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.687 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/plugins/iconic-woothumbs/assets/frontend/css/lens.png 11/07/24 16:48:16.687 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.687 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.687 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.768 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/preloader.gif 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.eot?#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.769 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/modules/all/modules.svg#ETmodules 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.eot?#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.770 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-regular-400.svg#fontawesome 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.eot?#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-solid-900.svg#fontawesome 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.771 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.eot?#iefix 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.woff 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.772 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.ttf 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/core/admin/fonts/fontawesome/fa-brands-400.svg#fontawesome 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: /wp-content/themes/Divi/includes/builder/styles/images/subscribe-loader.gif 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.773 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.775 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.775 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load Remote [css] 11/07/24 16:48:16.775 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.775 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.776 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.776 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.776 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing:,wght.woff2 11/07/24 16:48:16.776 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/,wght.woff2.webp 11/07/24 16:48:16.777 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.777 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.777 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.777 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.778 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.778 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.779 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.779 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.779 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [css] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.780 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] Start replacing bakcground WebP. 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.782 [ 1 DoT] [Media] webp replacing: 11/07/24 16:48:16.783 [ 1 DoT] [Util] file not exist: /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.783 [ 1 DoT] [Media] -no WebP file, bypassed 11/07/24 16:48:16.787 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.787 [ 1 DoT] [Util] external 11/07/24 16:48:16.787 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to external js 11/07/24 16:48:16.787 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] js defer exclude 11/07/24 16:48:16.787 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.788 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.788 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.788 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.789 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.789 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.790 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.790 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.791 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.791 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.792 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.792 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.792 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.793 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.793 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.794 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] js defer exclude 11/07/24 16:48:16.794 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] jquery.min.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.794 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.795 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.795 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.796 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.796 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.796 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.797 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.798 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.798 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.799 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.799 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to js files excluded [hit] frontend.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.800 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.802 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] _parse_js bypassed due to inline js 11/07/24 16:48:16.803 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.805 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.806 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.807 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.808 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.808 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.812 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.813 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.813 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.815 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.816 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.819 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.820 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.822 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.855 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.856 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.859 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.859 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.860 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.862 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.863 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.863 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.867 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.870 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.870 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.872 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.877 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.882 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.899 [ 1 DoT] [CSS] Load local [js] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Optmer] Saved static file [path] /home/user00/ 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Vary] role id: failed, guest 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Router] get_role: 11/07/24 16:48:16.909 [ 1 DoT] [Optmer] Save URL to file for [file_type] js [file] 793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494 [vary] guest_mode:1+webp 11/07/24 16:48:16.911 [ 1 DoT] ?? [Tag] Add --- MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js 11/07/24 16:48:16.912 [ 1 DoT] [Optm] Inline JS defer vars --- litespeed_var_0="297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20" 11/07/24 16:48:16.917 [ 1 DoT] [ESI] replacing preserved blocks --- array ( 0 => '297f998f6f5ae54d57f6c4c525304a20', 1 => 'a6c110fc2eb3ccb6149717b4730aa3f8', ) 11/07/24 16:48:16.917 [ 1 DoT] Response headers --- array ( 0 => 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control: on', 1 => 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8', 2 => 'Link:; rel=""', 3 => 'Link:; rel="alternate"; title="JSON"; type="application/json"', 4 => 'Link:; rel=shortlink', 6 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Cache-Control: public,max-age=604800,esi=on', 7 => 'X-LiteSpeed-Tag: 8c5_HTTP.200,8c5_page,8c5_URL./spare-tire/,8c5_Po.34325,8c5_PGS,8c5,8c5_MIN.793b6e006a34c57a13e1708b2910d494.js',
11/07/24 16:48:16.917 [ 1 DoT] End response
--------------------------------------------------Duration: 2,921.40 ms------------------------------
11/07/24 15:48:17 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:17 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:17 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:29 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:29 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:29 - OC - Got persistent Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:31 - OC - Init Memcached connection
11/07/24 15:48:31 - OC - connecting to localhost:11211
11/07/24 15:48:31 - OC - No persistent Memcached server list!
11/07/24 15:48:31 - OC - Connectedno , sorry , i didn’t say it clear , disable ESI , then use the temp solution as fallback , it will vary on recent view cookie , not as good as ESI does, but still better than set to no-cache on vary cookie
Now they are showing, but very strangely with a big time delay. The problem is now that the last viewed products are now also shown to other visitors.
okay, sadly I don’t really have good solution right now
a possible way is to set a per-user cookie , and then vary on this per-user cookie , that won’t mess up between guest users though.
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