I get it every once in a while. Sometimes the cache hiccups. It can be a goofy bug. Is your site working properly? Any white screens of death? Any logged errors? Anything broken?
Here’s some settings I would recommend if you are going to use minify. Set properly, it can make a site load faster with caching and a CDN in place. (I use Google PSS for CDN.)
General Settings-
Minify: Enabled
Mode: Manual (Auto can be way too aggressive for many.)
Cache: select yours (I have APC installed and use it.)
HTML minifier: default
JS minifier: JSmin (default)
CSS minifier: default
Save the settings.
Clear page Cache.
Under Minify-
Rewrite URL structure- checked
Disable for logged in users- checked
HTML & XML section-
HTML: check only the following
Inline JS
Line Break Removal
Ignored comment stems:
Save the settings.
Clear Page Cache.
Under JS- (now, I had to play with these,but what follows is the best practice)
Enable- checked
Under Operations:
Before- minify- non blocking using Async
After- minify- non blocking using Async
Before- minify- non blocking using Async
JS file management- make sure your theme is selected
Save the settings.
Clear Page Cache.
Under CSS-
Line break removal- check
Preserved comment- check
@import handling- none (you don’t want anything else but this.)
CSS file management- make sure your theme is selected
Save the settings
Clear Page Cache
Update external files: 86400 seconds
Save the settings.
Clear page cache.
Test your site as you make these changes being sure to hit Cntl F% for a hard refresh to rebuild cache.
If you find one group that doesn’t seem to work right, turn off all the options under Minify and test them one at time turning them back on until you find the one causing an issue.
This is what I did and am successfully using Minify now.
For the first 24 hours you may see that goofy minify bug while the cache is building.