• Recently just started using W3TC again after the recent updates – looking good so far, but unfortunately Minify is causing me grief again. I’m getting the following error message with it enabled:

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: No sources to serve.

    When I go to the Minify URL (Just testing with JS files at the moment), I get the following error message:

    HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request

    If I turn on WP_DEBUG I get no further information. I’ve got W3TC running on a Multisite installation of WordPress so I have no option to select which files get Minified manually. I assume the plugin finds files using wp_enqueue_script() and wp_enqueue_style() so perhaps I’m doing something wrong when defining those in my custom themes?


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  • Thread Starter edcs


    Any thoughts?

    Plugin Contributor Frederick Townes


    Sorry for the trouble, this is improved in the next release.

    I’m seeing the same error. Looking forward to the next release Frederick!

    I’m getting a similar issue with a particular file.

    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/var/www/vhosts/workfromhomewisdom.com/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/pinterest-pin-it-button/css/pinterest-pin-it-button.css” doesn’t exist

    What do I do to clear this error? The pinterest plugin was deleted – has it left behind a file?

    Many thanks


    I also have this error. Very much a newbie to WP although not to computers.
    The site is:
    The error I receive is:
    Recently an error occurred while creating the CSS / JS minify cache: File “/home/cobra47/public_html/wp-content/themes/hair_theme/js/small-menu.js” doesn’t exist.

    I’ve also cleared the cache. I do not see anything in the settings that indicates a way to correct this error.



    Thread Starter edcs


    Just updated to the latest version, I’m sorry to say that I’m still getting the same problem ??

    same problem too, latest version

    Hello to all.

    I confirm that even with the latest version I get the same error.

    I just started receiving this same error a couple days ago on my site. Any word yet on a fix?

    I am using:
    Version | By Frederick Townes

    Minify now breaks my website, when the last version did not… and it is now uncompatible with “WordPress GZIP Compression”… which I find stupid.

    What gives? Are the new bugs a feature?

    Me too. Downgraded to 9.2.9 also lots of W3TC’s options not function well.

    Especially minify options.

    I solved the problem manually emptying page cache every time I see the red notice. But of course this is just a temporary solution.

    I tried manually emptying page cache as well but it did not solve the problem for my site.

    Using on WP 3.5.1, I get, every few hours after Minify is enabled, the following alert in wp-admin:

    CSS / JS minify cache: File "/home/mysite/public_html/wp-content/themes/style.css" doesn't exist

    The front end of the site throws a 500 but nothing gets logged by Apache.

    I’ve disabled Minify completely.

    In fact, my Minify was already partially working before the update: I enabled only html and css inline.

    JS and CSS were already disabled.

    Now, after the first manual empty, the red notice is no more present.

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