Recent update removed og:image tag
I am using the most recent plugin version 1.2.3 with the most recent WP version 3.5.1 but it seems in one of these recent Facebook plugin updates, I suspect the og:image tag has been removed. After some analysis, I have discovered that a handful of og tags are installed when you activate this plugin with your custom facebook app. A few versions back, I was able to have my featured image in my page or post become the featured image in my Facebook post but that has disappeared. The featured image is currently being ignored. When I interrogate the page/post code, I discover that no where is there an og:image set (despite the plugin setting other og tags). Using the debugger, I find that it is defaulting to the first page image (which is not what I want). I have tried using other plugins to set an og:image tag but these also appear to duplicate existing og tags so the debugger picks them up as errors and ignores the duplicates (including the og:image) tag. I am reluctant to edit the theme because this edit may get accidentally overridden down the track. If this plugin would revert back to setting the og:image tag to the featured image of the post or page, that would solve this problem once and for all.
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