• Hello, I upgraded before you upgrade wordpress and my theme presented last 3 recent posts on the homepage. Since yesterday appear, unfortunately, the first 3 to 10 years ago. Could I have some help to get back recent posts from the home page? On the blog everything is as it was before, the problem is only in the home. I looked at the code of the front page and this is
    Template name: Front Page

    <?php get_header() ?>
    <?php the_post() ?>

    <?php echo do_shortcode(‘[nivoslider slug=”home”]’); ?>

    <!– headline –>
    <div class=”headline”>
    <?php echo stripcslashes(get_option(‘ansimuz_headline’)) ?>
    <!– ENDS headline –>

    <?php get_template_part(‘includes/featured’) ?>

    <?php get_footer() ?>

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