Recent post widget style
I found a small bug in your style.css, line 156 (primepress ver. 1.3.1).
The line is:#pp-recent-posts li, #recent-posts li, #recent-comments li{background: url(images/pp-bullet.gif) 0 0.53em no-repeat; padding:0 0 0 15px;}
The problem is with ‘#recent-posts’: if you remove the ‘Recent Posts’ widget from sidebar and then you put it back, it receive a different id: ‘recent-post-2’
And everytime you remove the widget and put it back, the number increase by one.
I don’t know why WordPress does this, anyway it makes the widget loose the #recent-posts formatting.
So a better line would be:#pp-recent-posts li, .widget_recent_entries li, .widget_recent_comments li{background: url(images/pp-bullet.gif) 0 0.53em no-repeat; padding:0 0 0 15px;}
using class ‘.widget_recent_entries’ instead of id ‘#recent-posts’.
The same problem with ‘#recent-comments’, replaced with ‘.widget_recent_comments’.Bye ??
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