Recent Observations & Implementation needed
Hello Wp Fam, believe y’all are doing great. Sending my sincere gratitude especially to the team taking quality time day in day out in treating the bugs,issues and request of folks from this community. Am also extending my sincere appreciation to Sir Dave Bardel for his propmt response and also to Mr Nikeo for giving us this great theme. Much love.
Haven taken quality time in reviewing all of the post for the past 2 months,in other for me to understand the how development has surpassed my previous engagement with this forum. I have taken note of some great improvements from the posts and would love to implement those improvements on my project.
Using the latest update of the czrT 3.2.8. and equally running on WP 4.0 I want to know if the following set of observations can be implemented on my project,and should it be possible I kindly want a direction on how to achieve this.
*I noticed a newsletter widget was used on this site, how do I get to implement that on mine?
*Am currently using a google map plugin on my project,but am having issues with the plugin as it’s only showing just one location. Now the question is,is there a google map plugin or rather any map plugin that can reflect two different locations within the sàme continent at ago i.e two different countries with two different locations for each country.Should there be one,would appreciate the gesture in pointing me to such.
*I don’t know how to create tags like the one on this site. Will prefer the background of the several tags which will be created should I be put through on how to do such to be transparent background not like the one on that site. Should an option of several colors be available, will equally appreciate. So that I can play around them.
*Is it possible to have a stylish multilingual option,something similar to the one on this site or something way better than that and more appealing?. Should that be possible, I equally don’t mind.
*Regards website load time, I have read several articles in the past 5 hours regards how to reduce one’s website load time,but the implementation of all I read on my site still doesn’t solve anything. Rather it begs the purpose of my quest towards solving this.How do I get to reduce the load time on my site.
*Sequel to multi-featured image like the one on this site, am finding it difficult to have that exact outlook on my site on the services menu. The whole idea is to have 8 or more featured image with a little write up of each services,so that when such an image is moused over or clicked upon. It takes one to the main detail regard such content.Haven downloaded the feature image plugin on I still find that hard to implement.
*I noticed a great improvement on this site, is it possible to have such a mini slider option on each page of my site once I click on any other menu away from Home. Especially with my current settings of left sidebar, should that be a reality,kindly point me on how to do such.
Finally,on this note. How do I implement a cookie option like the one on this site on mine with it displaying at the top.
Thanks once more, much appreciation.
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