I’m curious about a new type of spam I am getting at the moment, which Akismet doesnt seem to manage to deal with.. its an almost empty post, from a nonsense email address and no URL. It appears to have two nonsense tags <a></a>
. There doesnt appear to be anything between the two tags, not when you loook at the page source. I’m not sure what the purpose is, perhaps a precursor to a deliberate attempt to spread a virus, I don’t know… but it bothers me because its coming from a bazillion different IP addresses and a bazillion different nonsense email addresses, so it seems likely that many computers have been zombied for the task. For the time being, at least, I have been forced to reintroduce moderation of all comments.
Anyone in this thread had this particular type?
And I’m off to check into more plugins which will play nice with Akismet, because though Akismet has taken care of over 11,000 spam comments, it has no idea what to do with this one, and lets it through.