• Guys please help.I got this warning from my web host and i don’t know what to do.I am running a wordpress blog https://5530xpressmusic.com

    We suspect a malicious script running at your web account which is found to be relaying bulk/spam emails.
    Please report us back at earliest or your web account will be removed from server without any backup.

    Please Help,

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  • Ask your host for the headers of one of the emails. I had one person complain to my web host about an alleged spam. My web host provided me with the headers. Basically, somebody posted a link to one of my articles in a Usenet newsgroup. As you know, people will post links in online forums. I did follow up with the complainer to find out what the real issue was and the guy was not very nice. I did a Google search on him and came to find out that he’s a anti-spam zealot. I also retrieved his ip address from his email reply and banned him from my site.

    If you provide you with headers and there’s an originating ip address in there, just ban the ip address from your blog and delete the user account if appropriate.

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