Hey @massafiri,
Recaptcha isn’t meant to be a 100% fix for spam because people who build bots are able to see how it works and engineer ways around it. If you’re being hit really bad with spam you might want to look at other options like the following:
iThemes Security Banned Users:
View post on imgur.com
From the image you can see that with the flip of a switch you can block a list of known bots from even going on your site.
For the rest of them you should look at your analytics and figure out what their IP addresses are and add them to the ban list.
I’m not sure what you mean by slammed but your site could be at risk for outages because your server might be getting overloaded by bot traffic.
Another plugin that I’ve used with great success is the Black Hole for Bad Bots. This will make sure that Google’s bots still get through because Google bots know how to follow directions. Spam bots don’t know how to listen so this plugin will ban them from ever returning for being bad bots and not listening.
Let me know how that works out for you!