• Hello,
    I understand your point, that we should go with the latest changes and use the newest version of captcha. However, the new recaptcha works in different way than the previous one. As there is no clickable widget now, the logic has been moved to the website that is using the recaptcha v3. That’s why recaptcha v3 returns score. This score doesn’t tell you exactly, if the user is bot or human – it just give you the probability.

    You cannot just change v2 to v3 and set up one score hardcoded – this way you will categorise some bots as human and some human as bots. The v3 plugin of recaptcha is intended to be the first stage of checking if the user is human or bot. The second stage should look like this: If the user is likely a bot, make a custom, additional verification, such as, recaptcha v2, but this also can be e-mail to the user to check if he is legit, or some simple math, or other additional validation. The way you did it – you just broke the functionality of the antispam.

    Also, the message you send to the user: “There was an error trying to send your message”, giving that you cannot guarantee if the user is a bot or human, just makes this contact form plugin no longer truly usable.

    I hope you will consider making better integration of v3 or give us an option to integrate v2.

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  • Thread Starter tommy4


    Hello, do you understand this difference or should I elaborate more? Are you 100% convinced for totally removing v2? You asked in some threads for real reasons for v2 – I gave you the reason here – v3 is not intended to be integrated alone, but with some support anti-bot solutions.

    This is described here:

    “reCAPTCHA v3 returns a score (1.0 is very likely a good interaction, 0.0 is very likely a bot). Based on the score, you can take variable action in the context of your site.”

    Between lower spam detection rates and somewhat undesired page to page load cruft, v3 is definitely not a particularly attractive option at the moment.

    v3 will eventually lead the way (maybe and hopefully not in its current form) to helping to break the traditional need for captchas however this plugin at least provides a band-aide to restoring that v2 support until v3 matures.

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