I’ve just checked some things, you are partly right. The example Aert showed, on https://gentle-ladybird.w5.wpsandbox.pro/ is with v2 invisible (which you mentioned at the start), so it should not show a checkbox: it’s invisible. If you accept cookies, then send a message, you will see the integration works as it should. It blocks the integration, and when you accept, you can submit a message.
Where you’re right is that I’ve also checked with the checkbox version for v2, and this does not work at the moment, although it also doesn’t work for 4.1.0, which I installed here to check that:
The problem is that the placeholder isn’t removed, because in this case there’s an iframe active as well, from the checkbox. You can fix it for now by removing the code that is forcing the placeholder. You can add it to your functions.php:
add_filter('cmplz_placeholder_markers', 'my_unset_recaptcha_placeholders', 100);
function my_unset_recaptcha_placeholders($tags){
return $tags;
I’ll have to do some checks with other integrations, but I expect to have a more permanent solution for this next update.