Hi @justinbrooke
I hope you’re well today!
I just tried to submit the form on your site and reCaptcha worked fine, preventing me to submit it.
However, there’s always the chance that some spam bot will “slip through”. Just before going any further let me make sure: you are absolutely sure that the spam is coming through the form, right? I mean – you can see e.g. spam submissions on “Forminator Pro -> Submissions” page, not only spam e-mail messages, correct?
If so, then there are some additional things worth checking:
– you could try version 3 of captcha
– then (with v3) you can try increasing “Score Threshold” value in reCaptch field settings – the higher it is, the more “strict” the reCaptcha is
There’s also a built-in integration with Akismet plugin (the most popular solution to fight comment spam on WordPress-powered sites) so it might be worth a shot. Once you got Askismet set up and enabled on site, you can enable “Akismet spam protection” in every form’s “Behavior” settings. It’s quite efficient so it should help, I believe.
Kind regards