Hello, Orixes,
I’ve been reviewing the HTML code of your site and it looks like if there were not any call to wp_footer() or wp_footer action because there is not any script at the end of the page and all scripts of this plugin are added at the end of the HTML pages.
Please, check if, efectively, the call to get_footer(), wp_footer() or wp_footer action is correctly done, habitualy inside the footer.php file or if in general, the script output at the end of page works properly.
Checking your HTML code, I have seen that
* The output of ‘styles’ of the plugin works properly,
* the id’s configuration is standard,
* There is not any javascript notice or warning in the console
therefore the plugin begins to work but I coudn’t see any script at the end of page.. so I think that the problem is that the call to the wp_footer() is suppressed in your theme.
The last lines of any standard WP footer.php file should be like this…
/*———————————— */
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
/*———————————— */
Please, check these points, check if any other plugin interrupts the front-end execution of wp_footer action and say to me something about it.
Best regards,
Joan Miquel Viadé