We’ve look into the option of adding defer
to the script using the script_loader_tag
filter hook and have decided that this is not something we feel is necessary. In most cases the reCaptcha should load into the footer so that the defer attribute is not necessary. In the other cases we feel it should be left to the person running the website whether this is something they deem necessary.
If this is something you deem necessary there is the filter hook above which will allow you do to this. A code example is:
Of course we suggest you have full backups of your website before attempting any code based solutions.
* Add defer attribute to Google reCaptcha script
* @param String $tag - Script HTML
* @param String $handle - Unique identifier for script
* @return String $tag
function prefix_add_defer_attribute( $tag, $handle ) {
// The handle for our google recaptcha script is <code>google-recaptcha</code>
// IF it's not this handle return early
if( 'google-recaptcha' !== $handle ) {
return $tag;
// IF we don't already have a defer attribute, add it
if( false === strpos( $tag, 'defer ' ) && false === strpos( $tag, ' defer' ) ) {
$tag = str_replace( 'src=', 'defer src=', $tag );
return $tag;
add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', 'prefix_add_defer_attribute', 10, 2 );
Additionally, there are plugins on the repository that specialize in adding defer/async attributes to scripts:
We understand this may not be the solution(s) you’re looking for but feel that these should either be inherent to WordPress, handled by a specialized plugin, or added at the site administrators discretion. Should our opinion on the matter change or we have been swayed otherwise and make this change at a later date we will update this thread to let you know.
We’ll mark this thread as resolved for now but should you have any questions, comments, or concerns please reply back to this thread. Have a wonderful rest of your week!