Hello @iqcomputing,
Thank you very much for your quick reply and for the information related to the WordPress Health Check & Troubleshooting Plugin (we didn’t know it but it appears to be very helpful).
Here are the results of our tests/investigations:
– We have temporarily activate the maintenance mode for our site.
– We have updated your plugin (reCaptcha v2) to the latest version 1.3.7.
– We have installed the WordPress Health Check & Troubleshooting Plugin.
– We have set TwentyTwenty as default theme.
– Then, just activation of the cF7 and reCaptcha v2 plugins => the captcha is available on our contact forms ??
– Then activation of all the other plugins => the captcha is available on our contact forms ??
– Then switch from the default theme TwentyTwenty to CatchEvolution => the captcha is no more available on our contact forms ??
– Then deactivation of all the plugins but the cF7 and reCaptcha v2 ones => the captcha is still unavailable on our contacts forms ??
– Then switch from CatchEvolution to TwentyTwenty => the captcha is back on our contact forms ??
So the problem seems to be implies by the CatchEvolution theme.
But in your remply you said you have tested it.
So we were a little bit lost …
After deep invetigations and “archeology” in our site history we remember a CatchEvolution theme customisation (a snippet we have introduced several years ago and honestly we don’t remember where we have found it):
– It is at the very end of the functions.php file.
– It allows the current language to be used in the ReCaptcha.
– The related php code is as follows :
* Set language for reCaptcha in Contact Form 7
remove_action( 'wpcf7_enqueue_scripts', 'wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts' );
add_action( 'wpcf7_enqueue_scripts', 'CatchEvolution_wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts' );
function CatchEvolution_wpcf7_recaptcha_enqueue_scripts() {
$hl = get_locale();
$url = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js';
$url = add_query_arg( array(
'hl' => $hl,
'onload' => 'recaptchaCallback',
'render' => 'explicit' ), $url );
wp_register_script( 'google-recaptcha', $url, array(), '2.0', true );
As soon as we have disabled this customisation in our functions.php file the captcha is available on all our contact forms with the CatchEvolution theme and all the plugins activated => YES !!! ??
Moreover we have tested all our contact forms in all languages (FR, EN, ES, DE, PT, IT) and everything is OK, particularly the current language is always correctly used in the captcha.
So it seems that this historical/legacy customisation is no more required.
So as a conclusion:
– No more issue for us.
– Thank you for your plugin.
– Thank you for your quick/useful help/support.
Best regards.