• The recaptcha code is loaded on all pages, not only on page that include forms.
    There is no need to load recaptcha scripts without any form, i guess ??

    <script src='https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?render=6Lf6QuAgAAAAAFd3_kw2PWBwWsnpUTE3aXm23ma7&ver=3.0' id='google-recaptcha-js'></script>
    <script id='wpcf7-recaptcha-js-extra'>
    var wpcf7_recaptcha = {"sitekey":"6Lf6QuAgAAAAAFd3_kw2PWBwWsnpUTE3aXm23ma7","actions":{"homepage":"homepage","contactform":"contactform"}};

    This code is not necessary on all pages that have no form included.

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