• I have been using Contact Form 7 with my WordPress installation for a few years now without issue. And up until recently reCAPTCHA has been working great.

    After one of the last few updates, however, my form stopped working when reCAPTCHA is included. Now the fields seemingly disabled, as if they were set to read-only or something.

    I have verified that all of my reCAPTCHA integration keys are correct. I have also verified that the form works just fine if the reCAPTCHA line is removed from the contact form.

    You can see the broken version here: https://jamesericson.photography/contact
    I created a separate page to show it working just fine without it here: https://jamesericson.photography/contact-no-recaptcha

    The code for my contact form is below, the only difference between the two forms is that the reCAPTCHA line was removed on the second page I linked to.

    Any help with this would be great. I’d really like to continue to use reCAPTCHA to verify my form, and am hoping I just made a silly mistake. Thanks!


    <p>Thinking about hiring me to take some photos? Want to purchase a framed print of one of the shots you see on this site? Interested in licensing one or more of my photos? Something else entirely? Whatever the inquiry, fill out the form below and I will be in touch with you shortly to discuss details. Thanks!<p/>

    <p> Name (required) &nbsp [text* your-name akismet:author] </p>
    <p> E-mail (required) &nbsp [email* your-email] </p>
    <p> Phone (required) &nbsp [tel* your-phone] </p>
    <p> Subject (required) &nbsp [text* your-subject] </p>
    <p> Message (required) &nbsp [textarea* your-message] </p>

    <p>Are you a human? &nbsp [recaptcha] <br/> </p>


    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>


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  • Thread Starter jh3domains


    I also just confirmed that the issue occurs on both Google Chrome (Version 52.0.2743.116 m) and Microsoft Edge (Version 25.10586.0.0) on a Windows 10 PC; as well as Chrome (Version 52.0.2743.98) on Android 6.0.1 on a Verizon Galaxy S6. Please let me know if the form on my page actually is working for anyone on some other platform or browser.

    I can confirm this issue. I just tried to integrate recaptcha into my form. It is shown – everything looks fine. But when submitting the form, I get an error. The default error message is shown:

    “There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.”

    Thread Starter jh3domains


    Ah, so I have seen a number of threads discussing the issue you are describing, but I am actually experiencing a slightly different issue. I cannot click on type in any of the text boxes of any form the I have reCAPTCHA enabled on.

    Would you/someone be willing to confirm that this happens when you visit my contact page as well? I don’t have any reason to believe the issue is on my end, just want to cover all my bases. Thanks.

    The following link leads to the version of my contact form that has reCAPTCHA enabled: https://jamesericson.photography/contact

    Thread Starter jh3domains


    Anyone have any suggestions? Or now a better place to ask for them?… Going to start looking for a new plug-in pretty soon.

    I can confirm your issue. Seems that the recaptcha creates a DIV overlaying your input fields.

    Hello, I can confirm that this happens to me too, I use CF7 Version 4.4.1.

    It is like reCaptcha’s div is overlaying the Contact form and you cannot type into the text fields. I resolved it by simply placing the reCaptcha widget *above* the form, not below it. Now I can type into my Contact form text fields. It is most likely the issue with the theme I am using, the way the theme uses Contact Form 7 plugin.

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